Jeff's Road to Glory & Songbook

Congratulations, Jeff! That’s great news and I’m happy for you! :smiley:

You can be so proud on yourself for stepping out of your bedroom to play in front and especially WITH others. It’s so much of a difference and even though we all are aware of that, we cannot truly prepare for that step. :slight_smile: It will accelerate your musicianship a lot, I’m sure. And it will be sooo much fun. :smiley:

Hopefully, you will share a little more of that journey with us here. It’s always interesting to see how others develop and seeing people making music is always reciprocating the joy - at least for me. :slight_smile:

So keep my fingers crossed for your and your band to find some good gigs in the future and see, where this journey will lead you! :slight_smile:


Super cool, Jeff!! :metal::smiley: Well done on conquering your nerves and getting stuck in! It must’ve felt very intimidating playing with seasoned musicians! :flushed: But you have amazing chops mate, you’ll be awesome I’m sure! :sunglasses::+1: Can’t wait to hear more about how you find the experience of being in a band and especially your first gig!! All the best mate! Have a blast! :metal::metal::metal: