There is no performer list in my messages.
Could you re-send it please?
Just @ ed you in the message so you should be able to see it.
From what I can (just) make out its the mail that in your screenshot above.
still nothing. The mail from my inbox is about 15 messages, mostly about flight cases. But there is no link. as far as I can see.
Toby he is not on the list mate. Do you want to add him or I can add him if your busy getting prepared
Are you lookin at your email, it in the Community messages
James you are on the Audience List, there is a separate Performer List
hi toby, yes I’m looking in the community email
Weird I can see you in the distribution list.
I will add you to the Audience List, its the same link, so it should be in your Inbox in a minute
You should now see this
JGC Open Mic XVII / 17 Audience List
Yes that’s in.
Super. sorry for the trouble and see you in a bit.
No worries
Sebastian are you joining us
Another great OM! Well done to all the performers! Fab stuff!
I agree. Thanks to all the performers and organizers.