JGC Open Mic XXV / 25 Call For Interest (20th July 2024)

Just the audience this time round, please.

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Hello Richard, audience for me this time please :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Helloā€¦ been a member of the community for a while. Would like to join the audience for July 20th, 2024.

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Thanks for stepping up, Richard. You can put me on the Audience List. And if it is still necessary happy to be the required JG Team Member attending

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Hi Richard, audience for me please.

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I have to skip that one and need to look forward to the recording. :smiley: Will be attending a wedding that day, a hopefully equally joyful event. :wink: Have fun yā€™all!

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Thanks @Richard_close2u

Could you put my name in the hat for a performance slot please

UTC +1

May be guest accompanimentā€¦

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Audience please, Richard.

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Hi @Richard_close2u , Iā€™m up for a performer slot if possible :slight_smile:
And thank you again for picking up the organisational gauntlet! :+1:
UTC +1 for me.

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Hi all.
First update:

In the performer list:
@Alexeyd UTC +3
@liaty UTC +1
@Notter UTC +1
@Malz & @ElleDeeGee UTC +1
@mathsjunky UTC +1
@TheCluelessLuthier UTC -4

In the audience:


Sorry, I forgot to give you my time zone. We are UTC-4.

Thanks Richard.

Thanks Richard :blush:

Can I have a window seat please. :sunglasses:

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Iā€™d like to put myself on the performers list please Richard ,

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Audience please Richard :blush: Thank you!

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Audience seat please UTC+1 :slight_smile:

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Second update:

In the performer list:

@Alexeyd UTC +3
@liaty UTC +1
@Notter UTC +1
@Malz & @ElleDeeGee UTC +1
@mathsjunky UTC +1
@Eccleshall UTC +1
@TheCluelessLuthier UTC -4

In the audience:


Only SEVEN performers so far.
There are plenty of places available so please, if youā€™re considering it, you have a great opportunity to step up and do your thing.




I sent a couple emails requests to play 1 but donā€™t see my name. Please add me UTC -4

Thanks for organizing

Danny Bertges

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