JGC Open Mic XXV / 25 Call For Interest (20th July 2024)

Adult beginner here & I would enjoy being an AUDIENCE member, please.

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You should have lied about your age and got in for half price ! Welcome to the Community,

aaaa did you have that kind of feeling yesterday :see_no_evil:

(Iā€™m truly sorry for you)



Hi Richard, Iā€™ll take a seat in the audience please :+1:

UTC :uk:

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Interested in audience if not too late

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May I have an audience seat please

UTC - 4 (New York)

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Audience seat for me too please. UTC+1

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Performer list needs updating.
Mal & Lara and Brian unfortunately canā€™t make it.

The audience seats are available up to and including the day itself.

In the audience so far:


I will send the Zoom link for the audience Saturday morning (UK time).


Please could I have an audience seat. UTC +1 :cowboy_hat_face:

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Canā€™t promise that I will stay awake the whole timeā€¦ Yet maybe, if there is an audience seat somewhere in the back, where my snoring wonā€™t disturb anyone, could I still get a seat? :slightly_smiling_face:

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@MB13 @JokuMuu added to the audience.
There is no deadline for audience seats.

Hi Richard, can I get an audience seat. Thank you.

Best wishes,



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@Richard_close2u I realize you must be really busy with soundchecks etc., but ā€¦ could you still send me the Zoom-link? ( no there is nothing in the spam folderā€¦) :slightly_smiling_face:

Not a big deal in case itā€™s not possible anymore, I can always watch the recorded version afterwards.

Nicole did you get an Audience DM from Richard, it should be in that. Let have a look and Iā€™ll send it to you.

Should be in your Inbox and in notifications

No, there hadnā€™t been an audience DM. Thatā€™s understandable of course with me asking for a seat in the audience this late :slightly_smiling_face:

Now received. Thank you Toby.

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I canā€™t find the zoom link either

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Alexei it at the top on the Performer DM that Richard sent us, let me know if you canā€™t find it. 2nd or 3rd post down in that DM

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Thanks. I found some link. Hopefully the right one :wink:

If its from that DM youā€™ll be ok