If I am not mistaken that’s the Hard Rock Cafe? I drove past a similar one in Miami a couple of years ago and it’s a pretty impressive structure. It really towers into the sky.
Sticking with the Ozzy theme.
I actually really like this one but if you made it through Disco alive, and think more than a few of us did, it should put a big grin on your face.
We’re all chumps over here, learning guitar. All you really need to create a banging solo is your voice and all the cool effects! Why shred when you can just scream directly into the pickups?
Picking up your voice: Tyler Larson on Instagram: "I learned a new trick today"
Just scream with all the reverbs lol: Jordan on Instagram: "This is what playing with emotion is all about"
PMSL very droll!
Or maybe………
oh my god … I read something else …
So everyone’s music is borrowed or stolen from another musician, is that the lesson?
No? Sure, some is, but this is just a funny but incredibly done mashup that actually sounds surprisingly good.
I still can’t find a pick my grandson dropped in my guitar months ago. I think it went to the place where missing socks from the dryer live.
Well you had better consult the physicists at MIT!
They might find your socks too.
I was missing a sock a couple of weeks ago…
it was one that has little electric guitars… couldn’t find it anywhere…
my wife found it…
the dog ‘had’ it…
It’s been washed & sanitized but I’m not sure if I’ll be wearing that pair of socks again!!!
… just under the pile of correctly fitting Tupperware lids