Just me, or standing up actually makes it easier to play?

Hi Brendan,
I find it much easier to play guitar sitting down…I don’t stand on those few videos of mine either… :smirk:… :grin:
Greetings Rogier


I’ve been giving this standing up thing a go on the acoustic guitar over the past couple weeks and its definitely challenging.
The right strumming hand hits the strings at a different angle and the fretting hand is searching for an optimum neck position , barre chords are harder to play with the neck floating more.
I’ll call it a re-learning process but doable with some effort.

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For reasons I will explain when I add the next instalment of my learning log I had a go playing standing up. Help, I can’t see the fret board!!!
Michael :-1:


Ahh yes, the great invisible fretboard when you’re standing!

Take a leaf from Star Wars and trust in your instincts, your fingers really do know where to go! If not already Michael, start playing a bit without looking whilst seated with songs that you know well, it’ll feel clunky at first but it helps a lot when you’re playing on your feet.


Mark @Notter
I have not been put off, but have watched Justin’s video, on it most helpful My 10 Tips On How to Play Guitar Standing Up - YouTube
The most striking thing is how poor my posture is when playing when sitting down leaning over the guitar.
Michael :guitar:

I hear you! My horrible seated posture was one of the biggest pieces of feedback on many of my AVOYPs. It still isn’t great but I’m working on it. I do, however, really have to concentrate to stay more upright.

That’s a good lesson you’ve linked there for pointers. I’m still happier seated but am forcing myself to play more standing. When it works it does feel really good to have the space around you and you’ll find you instinctively move to the music.

All the best with it!

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Yeah that is hard to get used to. While it doesn’t seem like it at first, not being able to see the fretboard is actually a good thing!

If you can clearly see the fretboard, that means you are doing either (or both) of:

  • hunching your body over and bending your neck: bad for your spine, and a bad look for anyone watching you play
  • rolling the guitar over: bad for your wrist position

I say this as someone who has been and still is massively guilty on both the above counts. Playing standing up helps to disrupt both of these nasty habits, and besides, learning to play without looking at your fret hand has a whole lot of other advantages as well.

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Mark @Notter
Brendan @direvus
Thanks for your comments, my posture sitting down definitely could be better. Must try and have the guitar more vertical and not not lean over it.
Actually I am pretty good at not looking at my fretting hand as I sing as well and try look forward, also playing along with app and looking for the chord changes means you can’t look at your fretting hand.
Lots of other things feel different standing, I know it sounds silly but simple thing of how you get your strap over your head, tracked down some videos of it being done to see how it was done.