Kia Ora - I'm from Wade in Invercargill NZ

Hi everyone,

I am Wade from Invercargill, New Zealand. I have owned a guitar since I was 11, but struggled to find anyone to teach me. This year I really got into Spiritbox and that is made me want to learn even more. After doing some searching online I eventually found myself here! I just bought a new Electric Guitar (Ibanez Jem Jr for all those interested) so I can practice even when my flatmate is trying to sleep.

I am happy to see so many other Kiwi’s are floating around here! I have only been learning for a couple of months but I have noticed that things have been getting quicker and smoother. Hopefully oneday I will be able to play as good as Steve Vai.



Welcome to the forum Wade

Hi Wade, welcome to the forum!

And I am shocked you guys have electricity down there now!

Hi Wade ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

words meh…Pics of your guitar Yehee :smile:



Welcome Wade, plenty of resources here and a growing APAC Community :+1:

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Yuss! Another South Islander :metal::smiley: In fact a Southlander even! :laughing:
Welcome, Wade! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Don’t be cheeky, Rob! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: We’ve had power south of the Waitaki for ages, well over a year at least :wink::joy: just gotta figure out how to stop sending it all to you fancy folk up north :thinking::sweat_smile:


Welcome aboard, Wade! :smiley:

Wish you lots of fun and joy on your guitar journey. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum from across the ditch. I’m not a kiwi but am married to one and think the world of NZ! Look forward to hearing more from you.

Hi Wade
Welcome to the forum :smiling_face: also from another Aussie across the ditch :smiley:
You’re in a great place with JustinGuitar and also this wonderful community

Nice choice! Feel free to post a pic of it here :wink:

Welcome to the forum Wade. :sunglasses:

Hi Wade, welcome to the community forum.

Hello Wade. Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
