Learning, growing because of Justin

Been a while since I posted. Retirement, grandchildren and life in general. But that hasn’t stopped me from playing guitar daily.

I came to this community after buying Justin’s SOS rhythm course and posted questions about timing, etc, and feeling somewhat lost.

I realized I had to go back to the basics. Bought the Justin timer app – fantastic – and literally went all the way back to beginner. That meant tapping with my left foot heel. Made me realize I had been playing out of time for quite some time – yes intentional joke.

I have several electric guitars and in the past I would put on some jam track on G for example, and then use the scale patterns I learned from Justin’s intermediate course. I “fooled” myself. I sounded OK because I had a band behind me.

I decided that my true passion was acoustic guitar. I wanted to play and sing – if you can call it that – cover songs. I sold a very nice Fender Strat, saved up and used the money to buy a very nice Gibson acoustic .

A lesson here from Justin’s courses – learn what you need to learn for you. I don’t need to learn every esoteric scale pattern out there. For what I play, and want to play, the major scale – and really understanding – it is perfect.

There is no hiding with an acoustic. I struggled. I had to be the “band”

The most glaring weakness was my absolute lack of sense about timing.

Out comes the Justin timing app. I had to set it at 50 BPM and that was difficult. Working on the different patterns, realizing what bar I was on.

I posted on here months ago when I had trouble playing a cover song in time. Just was not happening. I was lost.

I stuck with it.

Now, the update:

On the songs I know by memory – up to 15 now – I know longer “think” about the timing or even the pattern. It is in time, and I may vary what I play from day to day depending on what I feel when I play. I can even improvise, in a sense, not playing the same pattern in the song. Using those ghost strums Justin talked about. Or adding a note here and there from the scale I know.

I still go back to timer app, using the function where I set for a random beat to drop out. I sometimes mess up, but keep going and I see the improvement.

Progress comes by doing the work.

It is important that we – in this community – acknowledge Justin – and each other.

I received so much encouragement from all of you.

Sorry for the long post


Tom, what a lovely update! Congratulations on your great improvement. Thanks for sharing your progress, and your humility. I know I often need a dose of that last bit. What is it that makes me - with no innate musical talent or background - think I can just pick these things up and run with them??? :rofl: The other wonderful thing you shared is that progress does come. It seems slow to us, the players. But when you describe the progress you’ve made over just a few months, I think - wow, that’s fast!

Thanks again. Your update is just the encouragement I needed today. :smiling_face:

Oh - and, to my mind, better you spend limited time playing guitar than posting! Hmm. Another thing I can take to heart…


Posting good, too!

Your words were great, Judi


Hey Tom, that “long” post was great stuff. And such great progress you’ve made. I liked the no hiding comment and relate to that ever so much. Once I got the confidence to perform with others on stage, it reinforced how much pressure you have playing solo.

Look forward to hearing more of your progress. Exciting!

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Hey Tom,

These are the type of posts I enjoy reading the most. Congratulations on your progress in this area. I can certainly relate to your journey here, as I imagine many others can as well.

Honest self-assessment to identify weaknesses; then putting in the hard yards to overcome them is such a satisfying feeling.
And as you noted, support and encouragement by the many great folk in this community plays an important part.
Onward and upward :+1:.

Cheers, Shane


Delighted to read of your progress, Tom. Now would love to have some video of your performing some of those songs.

If I may, can I move this post into Learning Logs and then you can come back and provide further updates as you progress and when the urge takes you?


Your update is heartwarming to read Tom, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Mine too! But with the App and the JG Time trainer I improved so much!

I suggest you follow David’s advice and start a Learning Log as it can be a very powerful tool for learning.


I think I remember your other post from back then :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for the update, it sounds as if you managed to make good progress.

Just like @DavidP and @SILVIA I can’t emphasize the value of Learning Logs enough. Would be great to see you start one (especially given that you are a writer, or do I remember that incorrectly from your other post? :nerd_face:)


Fantastic post. Way to push through it and grow from the experience. I am with you on the Acoustic, I came in ready to do punk and rockabilly. Suddenly im playing Acoustic hippy Folk music and loving it.

Thank you

Finding our own musical path half the battle