Live Stream 29 July 7:30pm UTC +1 to join the audience

Tick-tack-tick-tack-tick-tack… :partying_face:

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Dang, I’ll have to watch the rerun. I’ll be at a 2nd anniversary party of our newest craft brewery! :beers: They are supposed to have live music though. :guitar:

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Change of plan :wink: Daughter and I plan to watch on the YT big screen on the new SmartRRRs TV, old one went pop 5 days before the family was due to arrive. Much needed distraction as today saw new washer arrive, as old one went pop on Thursday. What will be next ?

Downside will not being able to abuse @brianlarsen during his set but daughter now talking phone casting ??? Is that like fly fishing Mr Hartley.

Good luck perfs peeps.

2hrs 10 n counting.



Hehe, not sure why I’m hanging around here :thinking: I have things to do but makeup hasn’t called yet… :laughing:
Consider me abused, Big Fella. I’ll blame you if the wheels fall off!
See you on the other side :smiley:


You will be fine Geraldine, give it your best shot ! Intrigued by what you may offer up and happy to be surprised. Go chill 1:40:00 to go. :sunglasses:

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It’s 40 minutes until sound check. Some electrics done for today downstairs, time for a quick rehersal :smiley:

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Sure you’ll be fine Adi :wink:

T - 60 minutes to kick off.



Looking forward to you playing Kevin. Its been a while !

Loved all the performances! Great work everyone!

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