Losing My Religion, REM (cover)

Well that was different for you Brian but very, very enjoyable. I loved the little bass run and the ba-da-ba part as well. Who needs a mandolin player? I love your unusual song choices but a little more mainstream stuff as well please. You do both beautifully.

Also, doom on whoever said you’d sold out on Saturday night.

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Another very enjoyable performance and another song that I am familiar with :smiley: It’s good to see that you are becoming more comfortable using a pick.

Think of it as another option in your tool bag for the choice of sound you want for songs you’re learning.

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@Blobbyblob Cheers, Dom.
No surprises here, just run of the mill progress documentation really :wink:
Yeah, I was surprised how difficult I found this to strum.
Nietzsche says it’ll make me stronger :laughing:

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Ta mate, when I ‘sell out’, I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse :rofl:
I think you’re right about it will improve my playing in other areas though. I was feeling quite despondent yesterday after recording.
24 hours later, a new day, new perspectives, new ideas :smiley:

@nzmetal Ah cheers, Jeff, you’re a fresh breeze from down underneath :rofl:
Lots of energy injected into the comments and performances. Good on you :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:

@adi_mrok Cheers mate. Your comment has actually steered me in a new direction. One day, I shall hopefully share how :smiley:

I take that as a great compliment, Lieven :smiley:
Point taken regarding pigeon-holing. I might as well check, though: Are you talking about singing or playing with the short/longer bends/syllables ? Or both?
I’m not familiar with Ugly Kid Joe apart from Cats in the Cradle. I did take a quick peek at the chord progression and had to fight back the urge to do a quick point and strum crappy cover like the ‘old Brian’ would have… :rofl:
Bad Lieven!

@SgtColon Cheers Stefan. It’s a long and bumpy ride, innit?
Much more enjoyable with such fine travelling companions :smiley:

@Socio Ta James, yes I suppose so. I guess we all have to practice some things we are maybe not so fond of. Ah well, no pain- no gain. Hope your blues progress is working out for you :smiley:


Hello young grasshopper, :rofl:

Has the man of science lost his religion? Or can they co-exist, perhaps… at least judging to another forum thread.

I thought your singing on this one was a lot better than during the OM. It’s definitely a better fit for your voice, came across a lot more comfortable for you. I noticed a few timing and rhythm issues but I’m sensitive to that stuff, it stands out for me without looking for it. Only minor things though.

It’s great to see you stretching yourself and improving. A little ambient peer pressure from the new community perhaps?

On the guitar tone, I know you have a Yamaha THR… which I’ve never used. I find that a little bit of overdrive (either the simulated preamp, or overdrive pedal - I like a “virtual” Klon Centaur) adds a bit of spark that makes chords and muting sound so much better on electric guitar. But, perhaps the tone we heard was just from how you recorded it. You mic might just have picked up extra treble.

How are you finding using the picks now? After getting used to a pick, I went through a period of trying out a lot of different ones. Different materials, thicknesses, etc. The pick you use has an impact on tone too, I found some just way too harsh and others too floppy.

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Great job Brian and it’s evident that you are really putting the effort into your practice sessions. Not an easy one to sing but you did a superb job with the vocals also :sunglasses: