Lubricate the nut?

@Jozsef @LadyOfTheCastle
Well, it is an old guitar.
----->And yet, I just paid $583 to have it refretted, the bridge recrowned, cleaned and “setup to standard spec”

I think I may need to talk to the owner of the place that did the work…

I paid for brand new, D’Addario Chrome, flat wound strings, but two weeks ago…

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I asked about the strings because of the difference in colour on the two sides of the nut, but then it may be the result of the lighting.

You nailed it:
Two light sources,
LED ring light at 10:00, and incandescent halogen at 2:00.

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Also, I can understand that you’d like to get this guitar into playing order, but I think if it survived the last 90 years in such a shape, a few more weeks/months won’t be a dealbreaker. Just take your time and research your options. Do you have an authorized Gibson dealer or retailer in your vicinity? Maybe they could recommend you luthiers they are aware of. Or maybe even an email to Gibson’s customer support would be worth it, you have nothing to lose in giving it a try.


Agree with this. I would be ultra carful with this family heirloom given its history and the personal link with your family. This is a precious legacy and I might even consider just putting it away until you can find a Luther’s who has documented first hand experience with this instrument and really can tell you off the top of his head the differences in the minute details of it. Even if that took years to find. They are out there but it might take some dilligent exploration to find. It might be dissapointing to hear that but man. That instrument has seen war, first ladies, and anti submarine action, I would hate to see something like that get messed up.

I have a personal example: I have a American civil war sword with a damaged scabbard that was carried by a direct ancestor during the war he brought his kit home and put it away and went back to farming. The property has been passed down and is still in my family. From his kit were some items. My cousin got the pistol that our shared ancestor carried, I recived the sword. My Cousin was a bit more anxious to get it looking nice and wanted it working (I know😔) he took it to a local gunsmith who completely ruined it trying to restore it. My mother put mine away until I was older, my point is my sword is wrapped in acid free paper, Just chilling. Safe. Moral condrum aside, my relic is safe and in the same condition as when It was found in the attic in my great grandmothers home and given to my mother for me. Maybe this is a bad example I am not a swordsmen, but you get my meaning. You have other guitars.

I am read your posts and get super stoked to see and hear you play this guitar as well, but seeing some serious issues is causeing me to worry. It may be nothing more than just it needs a better file job. Or there is some neck shifting going on or who knows. But it does seems wierd that this luther didnt do his job after droping almost $600 on that setup. You definatly need another opinion.

Thats my opinion buddy. I am only a year in the guitar game, but I know wood working, antiques and family heirlooms. I probobly wrote too much but only because I care as cheesy as it sounds. :smile:



Remember, flat wounds carry more tension than round wound strings when tuned to the same pitch. That might be something to consider going forward with a 90 year old guitar.


Thank you, thank you for your time and carefully thought out message.

All good points (damn, it does sound fine though–my analogy is that the new Yamaha sounds like Taylor Swift and the L7 sounds like Billie Holiday. To me, one is interchangeable with multiple other voices while the other is incomparable. )


This is the likes of why I came here—this never even entered my mind as a possibility…