Mac's recordings

Bearing in mind what you’ve said I think you’re doing remarkably well, and I think that in time it will come. You’re showing the kind of dedication and determination to make it come true - never loose sight of that old saying that if you want it enough it will happen no matter how long it takes! I’ve been in the same sort of situation myself a few times but I’m a stubborn old bu993r so it’s going to happen!


That’s why it’s always a good idea to mix your practice;

  • play along with the app
  • play along with a metronome
    -play along with your drum track
  • play along with…nothing more than your own mind :smile:

You’re right, being focused on many things at once can make that very hard. As said, you are very aware on what to work on your mentality and critical perspective serve you well!

Doing great, keep up the good work!

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So true. That’s a hard but important one.

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Huge improvements being made. :raised_hands:

Keep on plugging away. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :metal:

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Hi Deborah, I liked the comparison of both videos, progress can definitely be seen! You are getting along well.
I have no doubts, that playing along with the App or Yousician adds a lot in terms of keeping time and rhythm. At least it helped me a lot.
At a point, using a metronome, playing along with BT or just playing with my inner time feeling and switching between those, like Lieven said, helps a lot to develop rhythm feeling.

But there is a metronome in YS to play along songs … I just forgot to use it :sweat_smile:

I work on YS
I work on the JG app
Now Ill try to work with my teacher on a song outside both apps :slight_smile:
Been working with him on some fingerpicking stuff already

the workshops at my local music school were also really great moments to learn to play with other musicians :slight_smile:
too bad I cant play in the concert at the end of the year

Im trying to work on various things to progress , I follow the advices on the forum here :slight_smile:

Id say that YS is just my favourite tool to have fun at the moment cause the library of songs and exercices is huge
I just try to make them match the JG lesson path :slight_smile:

thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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