Madman’s Diaries OM 20 Footnotes - MMS Presents Sympathy For The Devil

Just bookmark the tech post for future reference, that POD of yours my start itching. :wink:

Thank you James, guess its all part of the experience of playing live. These things happen but the Dry Run recording always provide the opportunity to say “this is how it should have been”.

Anyway I am now back to the day job and just learnt Hamburger Handbook #1 20 of 20. So 6 tracks to refine and record before the end of the year, although sooner would be better ! :sunglasses:

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Really great interpretation Toby. Guitar sounds super on that version😃. Mind you it was still good on the OM, just a bit quiet. Good vocal too, your voice suits the song.
I mentioned in another topic that you’re spending a lot of time messing with tech. Just saying…….:smiley:


Much better to hear it with the full guitar sound Toby :smiley: I did recognise the song even if I didn’t know the name.

Tech glitches are part of the game with OMs unfortunately! Especially for those of us with the more complex setups.

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If you’re fighting with tech to try to get something to work, it’s a right pain :roll_eyes:
But if you’re playing with buttons on amps and pedals, that’s soooo much fun :laughing:
just saying :wink:
(mind you it doesn’t improve your playing, which is why you’re zooming ahead…)


I actually quite enjoy reading all your techie explanations and trying make sense of them. :grin:

Now if we could make that playing with amp buttons, pedals and picks…….
Mind you after @roger_holland‘s pick explanation I’m not so sure. :woozy_face:


Your wish is my command, good Sir, but we can’t clog up the mad one’s diary, so you’ll have to head over here :wink:

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:scream: :speak_no_evil:

Sorryyyyyy :rofl:

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@sairfingers Gordon don’t forget that


I also appreciate the comments on the Om version but as you can hear a world of difference. Now if I had messed with the tech Saturday evening, I might have actually unmuted the darned guitar channels ! :wink: As to the vox, the accent could be a factor :wink:

@jkahn Thank you sir, good to see you got back safely from going walkabout. And yes if its a live performance something is bound to go wrong. As for recognition I’ll take that as a positive, I am sure you youngsters would have been exposed to a she load of Stone’s without knowing who was playing let along knowing what the song was !! :sunglasses:

Amen brother ! I’ll nip over to that link later this evening, as I see the Larsen Log has an update. :+1:

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That’s great! Will you be starting in Handbook #2 in the new year?

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Possibly, I might need a fingerstyle rest after a solid 3 months. Year end review will determine plans for 2024 !

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Nice to hear your guitar on this one. Vocals still sound great too! :slight_smile:

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Hi Toby, great job!
I especially liked the sound of the guitar.
And thanks for this choice of song to cover, now I will enjoy the great Rollings again.


Yes, I’m just starting to experiment with effects just using GarageBand at the moment. I have the Scarlett 2i2 which also has lite versions of ableton and others. I suppose it’s just getting time to sit down and play around with it. How does that then get into the Zoom open mic ? Is there a specific setting in Zoom for audio? Sorry if I’m being a bit thick here?:flushed::+1:

Hey Leo, welcome back :grinning:
Cooking up anything tasty with Mike? :wink:


A very simplistic approach and one used by many, is just to declare the 2i2 as the Mic source in Zoom’s audio settings (your webcam would be declared as the Video camera source). That’s all you would need for an Open Mic. And I would suggest that approach if you have limited experience working with DAWs.

There are a number of set up guides in the Open Mic tech section, including using Albeton to connect to Zoom. Not sure how that would work with Garageband, others may know.

So although I am using the POD Go which is a multi FX “pedal” for guitar effects and the TC Helicon PlayAcoustic for vocal effects these are going directly into my equivalent of you 2i2 (my Behringer Xenyx), I am not using a DAW. So I could send that audio direct to Zoom.
But hey I chose get to Zoom via OBS but that’s a story for another day.

If you are planning to join an OM keep it simple to start with. BUT gain experience using FX, mixing and mastering using Garageband or may be Albeton. There’s plenty of guides around plus knowledge in the Community. Personally I started with Audacity and moved to Reaper (which I’ll still use to mix “non live” projects) but they do take time to understand. Not only how to use but how to exploit, so experiment and enjoy ! :sunglasses:

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Good to see you Leo, hope you are well and as Brian says, possibly cooking something up with Mike S ? I hope so !! Thanks for listening and the comments. Using the acoustics with the POD Go has been an interesting experiment and I was happy with the results. Then Line 6 released new firmware with not only new amps and cabs but additional FX pedals as well. So I am going to have to do some more exploring :wink:

Glad you enjoyed the song choice as its the first time I’ve covered the Stones. So I might just have to do some more, :rofl:

Be safe my friend.


Certainly makes a big difference Mari ! :rofl: Thanks for the vocal callout as well, most appreciateted.


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Thanks for taking the time to explain and advise, very much appreciated :fist:

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@TheMadman_tobyjenner , @brianlarsen ,
Hi guys! I’m glad you’re here.
Me and Mike not planning anything new yet. But everything is possible.
I recorded a few covers, but there are problems with SoundCloud in my country, so I didn’t post anything.
One day everything will get better!

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