Majik's Learning Log

Wow that’s gorgeous Keith, love the colour :heart_eyes:

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I’ve still not bought a travel guitar Keith. Interesting that your long term view of the Traveler is a thumbs down.
New Yamaha looks terrific.

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It’s a thumbs down as a general guitar.

As a travel guitar, as in one you can easily travel with (which was the original reason for buying it) it’s OK, and better than lugging a full-sized electric guitar around, and being worried the airline will damage it. And it’s better than no guitar at all.

I was originally expecting that I would be travelling a lot, probably moving location every 4-8 weeks depending on projects. In that situation, the Traveler would have been perfect, and I would have put up with the quirks.

But I’m pretty much settled here for the time being (probably at least for the next 6 months, possibly a lot longer) and everything feels a bit more permanent. I have a few friends here, and a bit of a social life and some regular activities.

(Related to that I just got back from ringing at the Cathedral, where I rang up the 1,300 kg tenor on my own, and got a small round of applause)

This feels like where I live now and, in that context, the Traveler feels like a compromise I don’t need to make.

Thanks. So far I’m enjoying it.



Happy NBD, Keith :smiley:
Looks a beaut

Reminds me I’ve never crossed the Mersey to ring at the Anglican Cathedral. I think the tenor there weighs in at over four tons :bell: :man_lifting_weights:

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Hi Keith,
Happy NGD :sunglasses: :partying_face:
Beautiful color and indeed a nice tailpiece…

I would love to try that too.

The problem with ringing up these big bells is getting them to ring up right. In fact, the guy who was next to me ringing up the 11 rang it up wrong.

It’s common that the tenor is rung up wrong here, hence the applause when I did it right. Apparently the SK is used to popping up the belfry with a broom handle to move the clapper across.

In case you are wondering, these are the bells:

I hear at Liverpool, they tie the clapper when ringing up that tenor because it’s pretty much impossible to ring it up right, then they secure the wheel to the frame, remove the tie and lower the clapper to the correct side.



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Thanks Roger.

The humbucker version doesn’t have the tailpiece for some reason. Luckily, I fancied the P90s anyway.




Hi Majik, Happy NGD! Very interesting learning log. Thank you for the effort of bringing your older posts to the new community site. Quite a feast of information!

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This was so interesting I looked up the Festival, only to find it happened a few days ago :grimacing:

Nice little toy!

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Yes, I missed it this year too, but I wasn’t going to fly home for just for that. I have family issues (a deteriorating parent) that I need to keep that powder dry for.

It’s a really great little festival to go to if you want to relax and enjoy something a bit different. And they cater for kids pretty well too.

If you get a chance to go in the future, I recommend it.



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Lovely Revstar there, I agree with you that metal tailpiece adds a huge amount to the aesthetics. Enjoy!

New toy time. An XSonic Airstep:

I’m going to use this with my THR10ii for a nice wireless setup.

I got the full-featured model rather than the THR specific one as it will work with my THR, my Spark amp back home in the UK (although it’s most likely I will sell that at some point) and can be programmed to be used with a bunch of other kit, like Katana amps, etc.

Apparently they are also looking to do a software update so it supports the Boss Pocket GT, which I have in the drawer here.

I’m also interested to see if I can get it working on my laptop with ToneLib GFX, as that has a looper function and it might be useful to be able to control it with footswitches.




An impressive array of gear. The next time you travel with guitar you might consider taking the Tele, remove the neck and it becomes manageable, great for traveling and having a decent guitar at the other end.

I did exactly that when I went to work in Tokyo. The trouble is, it used up a lot of space in my luggage.



Terrific buy @Majik .
I’ve got the YT version for my THR 10ii and used it in anger for the first time in the OM on Saturday. Added a whole new dimension of pressure and timing to consciously switch at the right times (while remembering to play and what vocals were coming up next!!) but it’s a really good bit of kit. Enjoy!!

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Feng Shui coin plectrums

I just had these picks/plectrums delivered from The Highland Plectrum Co

These are made from Feng Shui coins which are a (non-currency) Chinese coin that is often used to attract wealth and prosperity. They have a square hole in the centre which was used so they could be threaded onto a rod or string.

These are bigger than the Japanese 5 yen coin plectrum I previously got from the same company, but also noticeably thinner feeling more like a similar thickness to a Dunlop .71 Tortex, but without the flexibility.

As with the other plectrums I have had from them, the coin has been ground and polished into a nice point with smooth bevelled edges.

To give an indication of size, here’s what they look like alongside the Japanese 5 yen coin plectrum, and my go-to pick of choice, the Gravity Razer standard 2mm:

In use, I find them comfortable to hold and they work nicely even for strumming. The hole works nicely for increased grip. I do notice a slightly more metallic sound from them, but this could be local string noise as I’m currently running at bedroom volumes so I can hear the pick noise on the string easily.

So far, I like them a lot, although I’m not sure if I’ll move away from my Razer completely just yet; I’m going to use them for a bit to get used to them because they do feel different in the fingers than the Razer.



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I imagine you’ll be changing strings a bit more often now Keith! :smiley:

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So, I am gradually downsizing, starting with this baby which I have been looking after for some time, but it’s now going back to it’s original owner.

(See Majik's Learning Log - #2 by Majik for details).

I took the neck off and stuck it in my suitcase when I travelled back to Singapore this week. Now I just need to get it across to Malaysia.

