Marcel (Siff)'s Learning Log

Thank you for the tips and input. I tried some more things today after your input. Sadly no success.

Ableton is not very good with video it seems, it doesn’t have settings for it.
I went through troubleshooting guides and made several adjustments to the video conversion as suggested. No matter the software (even if setting the project framerate correctly in other editors like DaVinci Resolve) I can’t get the video to be the same length as the audio track.

I will try some different settings (4K/60 fps etc.) on the phone next time and see if they are better.

But by this point, I feel the iPhone just doesn’t record perfectly in time (maybe fluctuations because of the variable bitrate).

I’ve found some Reddit threads on similar problems, but none seem to offer a good solution, some say to just use other cameras or record the input over an interface connected to the phone. Which I don’t want to do as the audio will be no multitrack anymore, thus not really mixable after the fact anymore.

Can’t help with either Ableton or an iPhone.

@jkahn, perhaps you have more experience using both?

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@DavidP I do use them both but suspect Marcel’s Ableton knowledge is a lot more than mine.

I don’t have iPhone audio sync issues these days but I did back when I used Adobe Premiere Elements.

I use Ableton for audio only, and export the WAV to import into resolve. I figure use an audio tool for audio & video tool for video.

Another thing I did at one point is to set my iPhone camera to “Most compatible” formats rather than “high efficiency”. That might have made a difference.


Thanks for chiming in some more.

Tried this and did some tests and no help.

Found a “solution” though:

After testing it with my Focusrite interface in the living room, there were no problems.
I have an older Mac I inherited in the recording room and tried it with the Behringer interface and it has no problems producing a sound file matching the video, even Resolve makes no fuss auto-aligning them.

So I highly assume my ethernet extension kit for USB may have introduced latency fluctuation or the Behringer drivers for Windows aren’t as good as the native Apple ones.

Guess I will be using the Mac for future recordings in this room. Luckily it is not as loud as my main pc.



Thank you for posting this ! It may explain the issue I was having, playing back the rideout video, as the default Project setting is 30 fps. I checked the MOV and MP4 files and they were 60 fps. So possibly not down to ASIO4ALL. Hey but doesn’t explain the ASIO issue that followed or that playback worked with the UMC Driver and later with FlexAsio. :thinking: MMmmmmm ?

What I could not find, was a setting in Preference to set/change a default fps value, so I guess I’ll just have to remember next time I use the helmet cam. :+1:

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You can set it up to be the project default setting, but perhaps an issue if your studio webcam is different. Then you could set up a couple of project templates to accomodate different fps values.

Just checked the Hamburger “takes” and they’re are captured at 30 fps from the studio webcam. As the bike footage is rare these days maybe a setting change as and when.
Not sure if the Apexcam fps can be changed but the last rideout it was set to 1080 but can do 2700 and 4k but 60 fps makes more sense for an “action cam” recording. Memo to self :rofl:

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Updated Routine:

As I still have a hard time memorising all notes on the fretboard and would like to advance a bit faster there, I added a little fretboard memorizing practice routine from another teacher.
Somebody made a nice app called Fretboard Forever which gives you a good tool for this method.


Good to see you’re still at it :smiley:


Hello JGers,

long time no see sorry.

Due to health issues I’m a bit out of the community and interacting loop.

Hope y’all are still at it and doing well!

For those interested “Hi” and here’s a little update about 1.5 years in:

As I had some in-person classes where we ventured a bit further than grade 4, I already did catch up a bit from grade 5 because I already was practicing barres and all scale positions from the music theory course too, and wanted to have Justin’s didactic perspective from the main course.

I will practice licks and scales from the grade 4 list while practicing scales and barres from grade 5 in parallel.

So besides that, now mainly learning bending, vibrato, blues soloing and improvisation, before trying to get into the CAGED system and using modes soon.

I’d like to produce and write more too, but am reduced there too due to health issues.

Here a sketch of a Bossa Nova like improvisation for the interested:
Masooter - Bossa Nova 1?


Wish you well, Marcel. Enjoyed your sketch

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Hi Marcel,

good news on the guitar related side - great to see your progress there! :+1:

Health related I wish you all the best, good recovery and that you get well very soon. Take care! :four_leaf_clover:

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Thank you @DavidP and @Lisa_S for your well-wishes.

David, I’m happy that you enjoyed my sketch.

I’ve been setting up a streaming setup and tested it to record my practice routine.

If anyone is interested in seeing someone else’s practice routine, warts and all, I uploaded an abbreviated video. I included only a few seconds of each routine, but the last 5 minutes with the Blues lick improvisation are uncut.


2 years of learning guitar update; still alive, still at it.

Having a bit of a hard time in life and low energy to engage with people, but learning and playing guitar helps me to keep my mind engaged with something fun until I feel better and can share the joy of music more with others.

I’ve got nothing special prepared to share for the 2 Year’s “anniversary”.

So anyway here is where I’m at now:

I’m happy to finally have all Major modes scale positions under my fingers more or less, so I can get to understand the whole neck and CAGED aspect better.

I consolidated my theoretical basic knowledge and some concepts to learn on several spreadsheets:
My Music Theory CS (masooter) - Google Sheets

It may be a bit scatterbrained as I stitched it together from different sources.
Some things repeat, but I tried to insert concept-specific links to go deeper and have multiple ideas on most sheets to bring them together in my mind.

Loving the new Blues tracks Justin added, but still practicing the “Boom Bass with Licks” as I barely scraped through with 90 points in the app once. Trying to nail it more before learning the next study.

I’m not recording myself much on camera at the moment, but my mom often starts recording when I show her what I’m learning.

So here is a little raw snippet of Blues improvisation:

And here is a first cringey attempt at voicing out the notes while improvising😅:


Working on
(for the curious and as a reference for myself):

  • JG G4 Solo Blues (24) Steady Thumb Blues

  • JG G5 Creating Fingerstyle Patterns

  • Transcribe “For Granted - Soulive” to guitar tab (in Guitar Pro)

  • Developers: Paint it Black, My Sharona, Dean Town Theme, Christmas Songs

  • Harmonic and Melodic Minor Scales in Pattern 5 (Aeolian Pattern)

  • Internalise intervals on Fretboard

  • Line-Clichés: m-mMaj7-m7-m6 (4-5 string chordfingerings)

  • Rumba-style rhythm strumming (Andalusian: Am-G-F7-E)

  • Legato, 2nd finger whole tone spread and stay in classical fretting position

  • Alternate Picking (Vivaldi-4 Seasons and AC/DC-Thunderstruck riffs)

Recordings of Blues studies sbr-001 Boom Bass with Licks and sbr-002 Steady Thumb Primer:



Well played on both exercises: the balance between thumb and other fingers were good. It’s clear you enjoy playing them and even the odd slip is made good fun as you smile and carry on.


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Thank you Brian for the feedback!
Makes me feel more ready to start to tackle the full steady thumb study.

Yes, good fun to play these studies. Some slips, but yeah trying to get more into “performance” mode even when practicing.

That’s some great progress, Marcel. How fluent you are playing. Good vibes coming over! Keep on the good work!

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@Helen0609 Hey Andrea, greetings, and a late thank you for the encouragement. :slight_smile:

New items I’m working on:

  • Steady Rythm/Riffs full songs with recordings (Highway to Hell, Thriller)

  • Discover Slash Chords/ Replacement chords for more flavour (eg.: From Maj V to Min iii /MinI to MajIII/Dom7 V to HDim vii etc.)

  • Use open b and e strings in certain keys (eg: E) to generate riffs by only fretting one string (eg.: G)

- Christmas songs:

Oh du Fröhliche
Stille Nacht
Ihr Kinderlein kommet
Jingle Bells
Kommet Ihr Hirten
Leise rieselt der Schnee*

Recording of Steady Thumb Blues Study sbr-003:

Still needs a bit of work and I’m also a bit rusty on the acoustic and not getting each note as clean as I’d like (since I’m practicing mostly electric atm)