Motivation Club #12 with Lieven | Making Songs Your Own: House Of the Rising Sun

Hey Community :wave:

:microphone: Dive into the timeless classic “House Of The Rising Sun” with Lieven as your guide! Discover how to make this iconic song your own, evolving as you go. Lieven will even show you how to sing while playing!

Recording and slide deck here:

Just finished the preparation for this session and it keeps surprising me what a grateful platform that song is! :smiley:

This ins’t a “learn to play” session as Justin has an EXCELLENT lesson

My session starts off at the basics so we can build upon that;from the basic count and strum to a bunch of differenet ideas, styles and creative ideas.
All while maintaining control of the song.
You can make this song as simple or complex as you want.
Ultimate goal: self expression!

See you in a few hours!

Enroll here:


Hi Lieven ,
Okay, this is the first time that I’m a bit disappointed that I’m going to miss a class, I did make a big mark in the agenda last week but unfortunately I seeing people
who have no respect for my agenda :roll_eyes:,

Have fun everyone :sunglasses:


Looking forward to the session later, thanks Lieven.

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Cheers for an interesting lesson @LievenDV (and apologies for arriving late)-
I thought after 6 years, it’s time I had finally had a look at this iconic song that so many tackle early in their career, so took in the maestro’s lesson first :smiley:
You mentioned slowing it down/speeding it up- and even going ‘punky’.
I had a quick stab at this and ran into the same problem as when I covered Sally McLennane which is also in 6/8. It’s almost impossible to play 6/8 at a fast tempo with all downstrokes, accenting the 1 + 4 :open_mouth:
My solution was to simply play triplets, accenting the 1&4 on the down- and up-strokes. (Richard pulled me up on this :laughing:). I think I got the idea from Justin’s IM 125 lesson about 5 minutes in, where he plays four triplets followed by a bar of four sixteenths (Bo Diddley style).
Is this a reasonable approach?
Enjoy your coffee :sunglasses: :coffee:

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Yeah, interesting, It takes me some practice that “hearing” it that way in my head and keeping those chord changes straight but as said; honor is all yours to mix n match patterns as long as they fit the primer (more or less). In this case, I see it work yeah ^^

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Enjoyed the class but missed the beginning so was pleased to see the recording posted up.
But it is coming up as “private”, could this be fixed?

The recording is available now on the website here: :slight_smile: enjoy!

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The link Fanny just posted should allow to to access everything (as soon as you re logge in on the website)