Need help buying an Acoustic Guitar..Please

Having bought my first guitar 4 months ago, it is a minefield of different shapes, sizes, woods, makes etc so taking your time to absorb the information and research is important. YouTube is a great resource as most makes and models are covered so you can get a first look and listen in the comfort of your home without the pressure at a guitar shop. This is how I went about my choice.

The first thing for me was identifying the size that felt comfortable regardless of what it says on the headstock. This is important as if you don’t enjoy picking it up as it’s awkward or it’s uncomfortable, then you are less likely to and it will become an ornament in the corner.

The second is it has to make you smile. You will get a feeling that this is the one, and regardless of how many others you try, you always feel happy when this is back in your arms.

For me I did not get hung up on price or which famous artist played it. It had to feel right (which includes the sound) and that was the single most important factor for me personally.