Neil Gaiman's Crazy Hair - original

@DavidP not if you spell barley without the ‘e’ :laughing:

@TheCluelessLuthier Thank you kindly. I call it ‘smoke & mirrors’ :wink:

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Keep them coming Brian, your efforts are greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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Brian, I’m your fan.
I have several family & friends who are Neil Gaiman fans too so I shall share this with them. I’m sure they’ll enjoy as much as we all do.
Stealing is an art.
Shaping someone else’s creation to your own ends is an art.
You did it with my music - on which occasion you added the words and melody.
You’ve now done it with someone else’s words and you added the music and melody.
You’re an artist.
That’s the truth.

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We should all aspire to be the consummate performer that @brianlarsen has become.
Brian, I just went back and listened and watched some of your beginning videos on the old site. I’ll just mention “Hurt”, where you were talking about playing the F barre chord. My but you have come a long way. I love watching/listening to you perform (in the truest sense of the word). You have gained my utmost respect for your style of finger strumming and just outright letting it all hang out when you perform, not to mention just you as a person. I’ll stop with the accolades and just say we’ll done. I loved it!!

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@Richard_close2u & @oldhead49 It’s a good job I’m a realist with reasonable insight into my strengths and weaknesses in matters guitar as well as life (or is there a difference?).
I shall simply say thank you :smiley:

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Hi Brian,
Wow, who is your hairdresser? I am a bit thin on top and this cut would sure suit me fine. Maybe green would be fun? At any rate, nice play and vox. Very good feeling put into this and it showed you had fun! Keep up the good stuff!

Rock it some more!

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As entertaining as your performance was, on a more serious note, I honestly think with the studio version, you have produced something very special. I could see parents buying that for their kids. It’s definitely worth a discussion with Neil Gaiman. Well done mate.

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I was intrigued by the post title, and, being a new comer, I’ll admit I was a tad confused when the vid started, but stayed tuned and so glad I did… that was awesome; epic, joyful, funny, and entertaining… .Reminded me a bit of great John Otway, Wild Bill Barrett, Syd Barrett and Roy Wood (hair and beard :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) in one being. Loved the guitar solo’s. More!
Agree with @Richard_close2u, you are an artist.
Wish I had your chutzpah and creativity Brian.
Thanks so much for sharing!

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@LBro Thanks for the listen and thumbs up. Much appreciated.
Wigs and over-the-top performances are fun!
If there was ever a band I idolised and would have loved to be a member of, just for the joy, it would have been the B-52s. Check out Mr. Fred Schneider in this ‘wig-out’ :laughing:

@Socio & @Onda Thank you both for such high praise :smiley:
One of the most valuable aspects of the Community is that it allows us to imagine what we might be able to do and actually have a go at whatever we want.
When we succeed it makes us smile
My good friend Chris plays all the cool guitar sounds on the studio version, but that’s not the point. For me the value lay in the chat we had about the song and shared enthusiasm in doing things together.


That was a fun romp. Your joy in bringing it forward is at least half the attraction.

I raised two lovely daughters, who are fully grown now, so I learned not to judge fashion, hair styles or hair color too harshly. The words “Crazy Hair” were never spoken in my house.

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Hey Clint, thanks for dropping by.
Again :smiley:
Cheers for the YT comment and encouragement.
I enjoyed all the pre/amp/cab-chat on the other channel, even if most of it zooms over my head…
I’m thinking all that musing about tone surely must get the creative juices flowing again.
Is that the whiff of exotic aromas I detect, drifting out of Clint’s kitchen… or just wishful thinking? :wink:

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You are one of my top follows on youtube sir. I know something good is about to happen when I see you up on the big screen.

Juices are starting to flow again BL, and I felt a little tingly the last few days. Hopefully something good will come of it. I started thinking that I should just be true to myself with my playing – only to discover that I’m not “true” to anything musically. Plates are starting to spin again and a spark is sure to come soon enough.

Yeah, tone exploration tends to bring on inspiration. I have a new high-value preamp pedal coming today.


Bring it on Clint.
What ever the recipe and whatever the ingredients there’s sure to be some aromas and tastes and textures to enjoy.


Thanks for that! In my own defense it’s only been two weeks since my last video and it’s only Wednesday night here. LOL

Shameless ‘bump’ from attention-seeking wannabe :roll_eyes:
What’s wrong with me that I’m always looking for other people’s approval? :rofl:


And you are posting that here ?

Nothing to see, move along.


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Now you have two more sources of approval, to bolster any lack felt in the Community.

That’s great. The one benefit of all this social media.

Look at it … here’s one :feather: . put it in a place where the sun doesn’t shine .
:smile: :sunglasses: