Neil's Learning Log & Recordings

Finally back to a recording. Still plugging away at my lead playing, my main draw is always to improvisation for some reason.

I need to work on…

Not resolving to the root so often
More rhythmic variation
Finding melodies/motifs & expanding on them

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I’ve been trying to learn this on the piano/keyboard. Good challenge, very fast and uses different chord inversions. But there’s no way to listen to it without wanting to play a guitar solo :sweat_smile: here’s my improvised attempt at it!


just wow :open_mouth:

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Had a look at Texas flood intro last night, after listening to SRV for first time in a while. He was my first real dive into the blues and now feel I’m at the point I can try and work on his stuff after it seemed so out of reach. Will take a while to get this in time and lifetime to get the feel! Lenny next as that’s my all time fave of his. Better everyday


Funky blues is my jam!

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Blues improv in Ab

Fiddling with the tones in NAM and getting the hang of the software now I think, tone is decent.

Playing OK phrasing a bit boring and safe. But added some more vocab and following the progression a bit a better I think

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Learned the main riff to Vultures by John Mayer tonight, very catch & fun to play.

Little jam over it with my colleagues guitar to show him its playable

Good practice playing lead with fingers too


Im always expecting your videos with great interest
a real pleasure to listen

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Testing out the mic I got for Xmas, AT2020. Definitely easier to use than SM57, don’t need to get so close and its much brighter, hope to combine both together soon and hear the difference.

Trying to leave more space in my improv. Play a phrase, wait, play a phrase. Felt this was a step in the right direction

@MacOneill thank you Deborah, very kind!