Non Diatonic Chords

Drew, that song is full to bursting with non-diatonic chords.
Your analysis and naming is good. I don’t think there is a D7 in it. The F would be bVII rather than VII b.
The chorus is fully diatonic - apart from that single bar of F.
The verse is wildly non-diatonic.
And there is not a single minor chord anywhere to be found.
I hope that helps.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard | JustinGuitar Approved Teacher, Official Guide & Moderator

Hi Tomislav. Good question. There are two approaches to using Roman numerals with diatonic and non-diatonic chords.
Justin uses all upper case Roman numerals and abbreviations (Maj for major etc.).
A different way is to use upper case for any major (including dominant) and lower case for any minor or diminished.

Let us suppose that the chord built on the root note Eb in the example you give was Eb minor. It could be written as:

bV min (keeping the V part as upper case and writing min after to indicate the type of chord) …


bV or bv (using lower case to indicate that it is minor therefore not requiring the abbreviation min).

My preference is upper and lower case.
Justin uses all upper case with the qualifiers written after the numeric value.
It is good to be aware of both conventions.
I hope that helps.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard | JustinGuitar Approved Teacher, Official Guide & Moderator