NZMetal's Learning Log - the path to shredding! (fingers crossed lol!)

Kettle is always ready here for coffee time with anyone, just reach out bud if you need to.

Look forward to hearing your guitar updates :+1:

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Hi Jeff,

Yes, that certainly is a :scream: big update. Sorry that things have gone that way mate.

Can I just say, you mention courage, and man trust me you have plenty of that just for being able to share your life with us, it’s not easy.

I can only hope that the bumps in the road start to smooth out soon and things work out well for you. I for one am certainly looking forward to seeing more of you here​:+1::guitar:.

If you decide to have an r n r trip to The Mighty West mate, be sure to let me know my Tele could do with a work out :rofl::+1:

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Good to see you back Jeff :grinning:

It took a lot of courage to put that out there and I’m sure it will take a while to adjust to your new normal. As always, Dan and I are here for you as your virtual support from far away if you need anything :grin: Hopefully you get offers on the house soon!

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@jkahn @Jwaters @liaty @CD02 @Jenndye429
Thank you all so much! Your thoughts and kind words mean a huge amount to me! I feel very privileged to be part of this caring community :smiling_face: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks mate :slightly_smiling_face: I wasn’t sure if I was sharing too much :grimacing:, actually sat on this for a couple of days before posting but in the end it felt like something important for me to say and it is a significant part of my journey I guess so this is as much a record in time for me as it is an update for the community.

That’s good to know. Shell and I are still great mates however that may not have been the case if we let things slide and just carried on. We’re both feeling good about the change, despite everything, and I’m confident it is the right move for both of us :smiling_face:

Thank you! It’s good to be back around! :smiley:

Thanks Jeff :slight_smile: Yep, I’m sure it will, just a case of adjustment to the new normal I guess.

100%! :smiley: Nothing like getting in the zone with just me and the guitar, I’ve been enjoying that as a distraction :sunglasses:

Thanks so much mate! Really means a lot :hugs:

Super appreciate you checking this out, Dave, and for being there! :smiling_face: Maybe one day, in the not so distant future, I will make it to the UK (my sister is in London) and could share a real coffee (beer?) with you :wink: I think I would very much like to do that :smiley:

Thanks Craig :smiling_face: It’s all good, I think it will be for the best once things settle in. Takes a bit of time to readjust I guess after almost 25 years (19 married), so just taking things slowly, but in a positive direction :sunglasses:

:joy: That would be amazing!! :smiley: :+1: Maybe I could stop by there on my way to the UK? :thinking: :wink: The Mighty West is definitely on my agenda, looks like an incredibly beautiful part of the world, great waves there too! :surfing_man: :beach_umbrella: I’ll be in touch mate! :guitar: :beer: :sunglasses: :laughing:

Thanks Jennifer! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Yeah, it’s a bit surreal some days I must admit :face_with_diagonal_mouth: but it will come right, I guess any change takes time, I’ll just keep on playing in the mean time :guitar: :wink:

:sweat_smile: Thanks! :smiley: You guys are definitely my phone-a-friend! :laughing: Looking forward to a proper catch up soon :slight_smile:

Actually, I have an update on that! We have now got one! :smiley: It is conditional on their lawyer checking a couple of things but hopefully that gets ticked off and it goes unconditional early this coming week. If so… time to go shopping! :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :partying_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Thanks again everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hope you’re really doin alright mate. Not easy. Heartwarming though that you could share it here freely, and be received so tenderly by this great community. Hats off to everyone here.

All the best Jeff.

Cheers, Shane

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Hello Jeff, oh wow, that’s an unexpected life update. I’m really sorry to hear that you have to go through such hard times. I had to go this path as well (many years ago). Looking back, it was definitely the right decision. But in the beginning I wasn’t always convinced, that I did the right thing. There were many ups and downs and took time…

It’s very courageous of you to speak so openly.

And it’s good to see you back with a guitar in your hands. Sometimes in life, the road gets very bumpy. But the important thing is to keep on walking.

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Hi Shane, thanks so much for your kind words here. I am doing well, thank you, really appreciate your thoughts mate :hugs:

Absolutely! Feeling very loved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: This is a fantastic community :smiling_face:

Thank you, Nicole, super appreciate your kind thoughts :hugs:

Sorry to hear that too, but glad it worked out alright. I feel it will be the same for me, we are still close friends so I haven’t really lost someone in my life, just a change I guess :slight_smile:

100% relate to this. I have asked myself that question many times, although I think when I listen closely to myself, it is the right thing, for both of us :smiling_face:

Thank you. It is so great to have this caring community, I feel safe to share here, a rare thing these days.

:laughing: It is good! Loving playing at the moment and keen for it to be my main focus for the next good while! You’ll be hearing more from me soon! :wink: :joy:

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Hey Jeff, sorry to hear about the changes in your life but I’m sure that with time things will turn around for the better, just keep being you mate. That’s good that your still good friends. Not sure if you’ve seen this video but thought you’d enjoy it on your blues adventure. Take care buddy.

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Thanks so much, James, really appreciate it mate :hugs:

This is brilliant! :metal::astonished: Loved it! Justin Johnson is always awesome and this is clip is so inspiring! A direction for me to ponder on for sure! :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Caught the video yesterday Jeff but still running around post family visit, to sit down and reply.

For starters, really sorry to hear about your break up, could not have been easy and no doubt will take you time to adjust and guess the dust won’t really start to settle until the house is sold. No pearls of wisdom from me, as its not something I’ve experienced but loads of kudos for putting out the video and sharing your experience. Not an easy thing to do and obviously things are still raw despite you putting on a brave face, All being well things will sort them selves out in time.

In the mean time, you can channel all that emotion into your Blues explorations and extract some positives from the negatives - will catch up on that recording later as just off out.

Anyway good to see you back and as others have said, here if you need anything.

Take care, keep rocking.



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Like others I noticed and wondered when enjoying your blues post, Jeff.

I’m feeling for you, even if amicable and the right then it is still a huge life changing moment. Don’t want this to be about me, but having been through the same many many years ago and the heart thing a couple of years ago, I am glad you chose to be open and share. That level of openess takes huge courage and in my own experience contributes tremendously to be able to navigate the difficult waters.

If you need a place to unload, somebody to just ‘listen’ you have my number (ok username), feel free to Direct Message if ever it will be helpful.


Jeff, kudos for your update, a very brave step to share your thoughts and life issues with us. We already talked, so I won’t repeat, what already has been said. I just wanted to add: very sympatic video! You know, there are lots of nice people around here and I’m sure, you could have some free drinks or accomodation all over the world :smiling_face: from your fellow guitar buddies! I case you “need an ear”, you know, where to find me :joy:. Take good care and happy to see you coming back to this great community!


Jeff @nzmetal
Just got around to watching your video and sorry to hear about the turn of events, keep your chin up.

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@TheMadman_tobyjenner @DavidP @Helen0609 @MAT1953
Thank you so much Toby, David, Andrea & Michael, so very much appreciate your kind words and caring thoughts :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Yes, very much a challenging time but all is working out okay and I’m feeling positive about the future :smiling_face: (especially all the potential time for guitar playing :wink: )

Thank you, Toby, that really means a lot :smiling_face:

Definitely! :guitar: :sunglasses:

Thank you again :hugs:

Thanks, David! It is heartening to hear from others who have experienced similar and i agree sharing my thoughts here has been hugely beneficial for me and helped put things in perspective :slight_smile:

:sweat_smile: Thank you :hugs:

Thanks Andrea :heart:

The people here are incredible, so lucky to be part of this community of amazing folks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Made me think of a world tour to see everyone on here that we talk with regularly, that would be so much fun! :earth_africa: :partying_face: :wink:

:joy: Sure do! :wink:

Thank you again, Andrea :hugs:

Thanks Michael! I will! :smiley: :+1: Everyone’s kind, caring words here certainly helps with that :slight_smile:


Hey Jeff, I’m happy to see you back with us…and while reading your responses to the others I was happy you mentioned you two being close friends still…it’s so very good you can count on eachother’s affection. Now…new beginnings are awaiting for you and I wish you all the best! :blush::hugs:

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Hi Silvia, so lovely to hear from you and thanks so much for your message :hugs:
Yes, we’re still great friends and I don’t see that changing anytime, I feel very lucky to still have Shelley as a part of my life.

Thank you! :smiley: :hugs: Yes, feels somewhat exciting at times, the possibilities of what I could choose to do/where I could go are now more open than previously… look out world, here I come! :partying_face: :rofl:

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O my Jeff,

I already feared after seeing your last video yesterday and hoped for you to move to a better place together… but I also thought about this, I like (and brave) that you explain it in a video because this emotion (for me) can not come across very well with the written word.
I can throw a number of clichés at you now, but whether that will help you, no, certainly not or maybe… well I don`t know long long long time ago not for me so , it’s a pity that you live on the other side of the world, otherwise I would have come to give you a few big hugs talking drinking but above all playing guitar a lot …

Hey, my wife says a 20 minutes ago at breakfast, that nice man from New Zealand is single …tsss no idea why she said that :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow::laughing:

I wish you all the best :people_hugging:



Hi Rogier,

Thank you so much for your caring thoughts and kind words :hugs: :blue_heart:

That would be incredible! :smiling_face: I would love for that to happen, such a shame about the distance :cry: One day, hopefully in the not too distance future, I will make it to Europe and I’m hoping it can be a chance to meet in person :crossed_fingers::slight_smile:

:flushed: :rofl:
Hi Rogier’s wife! :wave: :smiley: :wink::joy:

You too my friend, take care :hugs:

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