Old Time Rock And Roll by Bob Seger Lesson

Learn to play Old Time Rock And Roll by Bob Seger on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Old Time Rock And Roll by Bob Seger | JustinGuitar

A post was split to a new topic: How to get the sound for Bob Seger Old Time Rock n Roll with Squier HSS & Marshall Code 25

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to get the sound for Bob Seger Old Time Rock n Roll with Squier HSS & Marshall Code 25

love this old style rock and roll status quo do a great version

When I go to the App, its in G C and D instead of A D and E

Hi Scott, just a different key in the app than on the website. Sometimes Justin will change the key from the original to make it easier for beginners to play. One also can change key (as you probably know) to fit better with one’s voice. I suppose sometimes a key is chosen for both reasons. That doesn’t explain why the app and website are different, but hey - you now have options! I understand the original is in F#…not attainable really for beginners. Hope that helps, if not, ask more questions! :smiling_face: