Online tool to find a song's tempo (BPM)

Nice link and share!

Riff Station does a good job of finding the tempo or bpm of a song. Trouble was they quit making it and I could never find it. Then I came across a copy of the free version that works great. If anyone wants it, let me know and I will put up a package of it and link it here.


LB the original is still out there and was about $15 US last time I looked. I’ve a bookmark buried somewhere. :sunglasses:

My guess is that it is only a matter of time that someone will want Riffstation. So I will link to it here. It tells the tempo of the song, the chords and has great playback slowdown features. It is really a nice tool to have in the toolbox!


  • Download zip package.
  • Unzip to a spot on your drive and leave the contents in the folder.
  • I put my copy in: C:\Program Files (x86).
  • No install needed!
  • From within the folder, create a shortcut to “Riffstation.exe”.
  • Click the new shortcut icon and enjoy!

Riffstation Download

Brought to you by Bro… as in


Save your money Toby. As far as I know this copy was free at the time and I found it in a forum somewhere, like Redit.


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Ha I bought it donkeys years ago and like you said its a great tool to have in the box. Not always 100% accurate but enough to get you going. Think my copy is the original freebie I’ve had it that long !

Good find James. FX rates vary as does your mileage :rofl:

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At times it doubles the BPM on the song. What I like about it as opposed to the OP link is that you feed it a real mp3 or song file. Whereas as far as I can tell the link at the top is a reference to a database of song info?

I have also seen Riffstation miss chords. In some or most cases it tags the bass chord and not the actual chord. So an E7 turns into an E. But these things are minor and the tool is still great. I am sure other tools are not 100% accurate either?


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I ended up getting a copy of DeepRemix RipX to help me improve my mileage

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Funny, as the link James posted is to my OP on how to use Reaper as a slow downing too. Go figure, what goes around, comes around!


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Riffstation looks good, thank you for sharing.

There’s probably a place for both tools, so hopefully others will find them useful as well.

Yeah never clicked on it but I had some vague memories that you had some skin in that game ! Life is cyclical and the world is the size of a pea.

FWIW for anyone reading two old gits reminiscing, one of the great feature of Riffstation is capo application (to find those easy chord shapes) and Key changes so you can sing in your range !


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Some times this forum seems like a looper has been applied :wink:

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Did you kick the button ? :rofl:

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And for those young un’s there is always Chord AI

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Yes but my timings always out and I have to wash, rinse and repeat. Its like groundhog day every day.

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Was it this one?

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:scream: Tim - Could be it comes up every year or so and I’ve been here a decade and have had Riffstation since circa 2015 or there about. :scream:

Hold the line caller :wink:

Ok just hit that dial and that’s a relative new one. Just as well we no longer have access to the old forum. :rofl:

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Of course you could use your ears and Justin’s Tempo Calculator.