Open D - Paul Davids picking pattern (fingerstyle)

Right now I dont feel any collision between fingers… every finger has enough space and they dont touch each other. It feels really comfortable to me, because I can play like this long session and I dont feel any pain. Is it really that bad to make this as habbit?

Okay… so after all this I have to say that Richard_close2u told me I should not skip grades like I do now… I did not finish my 1st grade. :smiley: So maybe I will focus more on that and I will come back to this… hope soon. Or can I use this for some additional learning to my grade one?

Completely get that point, Michal. I tend to do it too fast, too. :sweat_smile: But I somehow forced myself to slow it down and actually in the end, by slowing down in beginning and gradually speeding up, I got to learn new pieces or patterns faster. :slight_smile:

Also, it helps with the metronome. Starting slow and incorporating this in this early stage is a game changer. I had the same struggle with it and thought, I will never use this regularly, but know we are good friends. It just needs patience and perseverance. :slight_smile:

Good luck and lots of fun! You’re on a good way and know where you want to go. Be patient and kind to yourself and you will get there soon! :slight_smile:

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I’m honestly not sure, Michal. I know sometimes it is not good in the long-term to adopt something that strays from the standard approach. In this case I can’t imagine what that might be. But that is not to say there may be right-hand techniques later that become more tricky. It might be one of those cases where all is good and it works for you. And if later you have to adjust a little so be it.

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@Richard_close2u and @Lisa_S are absolutely correct with regards to the picking hand positioning. Your current hand positioning may feel comfortable but sometimes comfortable is only because you are used to playing it that way. If you are really interested in playing fingerstyle then best to adjust the now rather than later as it will limit you with other fingerstyle techniques.

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That’s a good point. For example percussive playing with the thumb. I would presume that it would also get a bit messy keeping a good rhythm when travis picking.

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Many fingerstyle patterns you meet further down the line require simultaneous thumb & finger playing - pinching the notes. They need their own operating space then so learn it from the start.