
One just has to hope it doesn’t rot before you’re done! :grin:

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When I started in February, I had no idea what I was getting into. I was so happy with my D, A, and E chords, and all the songs I could suddenly play with it, when before I could play none. Now that I have tasted a little bit of what is out there, and have seen a whole lot more, I try to hang onto that feeling. Some days it’s easier than others, but I find that looking back at my own progress helps.

What can you now muddle through that looked like a pipe dream a month ago? What is sounding like music now, when two months before, you were just muddling through? When I have my own progress firmly in mind, I can look at all the other options out there, and see opportunities and potential fun instead of overwhelming variety. When I forget my own successes, it becomes much harder.