Practice dilemma

I started to feel like this recent. I got the app and have been playing happily with it but think I need to be better before I get carried away. An old teacher at school used to say it’s fine practicing all the time but if your practice is wrong you won’t get any better. That’s why I want to get better at my skills first.
I’m an absolute novice so can feel the app working at making me quicker at certain things I just need to make sure I’m doing it right.
It’s early days for me though so I know not to expect it to happen over night

I know this might be controversial, but I think sometimes, punching above your weight a little bit is good for the soul. Not in a ‘I have to nail this’ kind of way, more in a ‘let’s try and see if I can’ kinda way. An experiment. Structure is all well and good, and without it we’d be lost. But sometimes, a little bit of chaos, a little bit of jumping ahead, can stretch your wings and broaden your horizon. And you can always go real slow.

And since you know it’s above your weight class (or you think it is, anyway^^), there is no stress of getting it right, just the wonder and awe if it works better as you thought it would, or the quiet satisfaction that you were right, and it is too much for you still.