Hello @stahlhammer amd welcome to the Community.
Where to begin.
Please excuse my extensive quoting on many comments you make.
You’re a very new beginner then. Take that perspective. 6 months is not very long at all.
Forget countless YT videos and those gimmicky learning tools.
Everything, absolutely everything you need to learn and succeed with online learning starts with Justin’s beginner course on the website. Thousands have learned using it and it only. It works.
That’s a lot of time but sometimes it is about quality of practice, not quantity.
Beginner Grade 1 has 75 lessons plus essential consolidation.
Each lesson requires at least one day of practice time but by the end of Grade 1, in Modules 5, 6 and 7, I would say that to do the learning justice and really get solid in the basics, each lesson should respectfully be given several days or a week or more, each of the seven modules probably starting at one week for module 1 up to several weeks for module 7. I would even go so far as to suggest treating each module number as a guide to the weeks required.
Modules 1 to 7 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28 weeks. That is more than six months just there.
Grade 2 has 68 lessons. And as the learning ramps up the technical challenge and skill, each lesson and each module will require extended time to really get to grips with. I would suggest a similar approach.
Modules 8 to 14 = 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 77 weeks. That is more than a year.
Okay - those cumulative totals are on the high side. But I would rather encourage that over the opposite of not taking enough time and hitting a brick wall of frustration. As many have done. As you have done.
You what?
That is insane, unnecessary and the opposite of learning to play guitar and make music.
The one-minute changes have a specific purpose and are given just a 3-5 minute time slot in a designed practice routine. Justin clearly says aim for 60m begin to learn to play songs with many fewer than 60 and do not be inhibited from progressing to another lesson if 60 is a barrier. You must have devoted hours of practice time to one-minute changes. Needlessly. No fun, no progress, no songs. Stop doing that right now, today. Desist.
How many songs can you play if you limit yourself to one strum per bar?
How many songs have you attempted to learn and play in this manner?
If you go here and filter by Grade 1 there are 98 songs. If you really restrict yourself to just the three chords A, D and E there are 39 songs. Please, please, please go there right now and select songs to learn and play. Right now.
Learn songs, learn songs, learn songs.
One strum per bar. That is enough. Just do that. Do it for a week or two.
Then report back.
Hope that helps.
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