I all, sorry for what some might think is a daft question but, I am currently learning position 1 of the major scale.
In the lesson I think it is the Key of G.
So the scale position (box) you start with finger 2 on the note G on the 6th string, Play up through the 2 octaves and back down to fret 2 of the 6th string then back up to G on the 3rd fret so you finish on the root note.
If I played this exact same pattern starting with my second finger on the fifth fret would I then be playing the major scale in the key of A ?
Please tel me this is correct or my brain is gonna explode. lol
And again sorry if this is a really dumb question.
For some reason I thought that it only applied to the minor pentatonic scale with the first finger.
You have no idea how much this has fried my brain. lol It is mentioned in lessons that this applies to the minor pentatonic scales but several online references never mention that it also applies to other scales as a pattern which is why I have struggled grasping it.
Thank you
That’s the beauty of the guitar you get a 12 for 1 on all scales and movable chords. Learn them in 1 key you just move the root to the key you want to play and the patterns the same. Works with all 5 patterns of CAGED and 3NPS l