Rabbit holes

So update on the Rabbit Holes…

I’ve found a new one!

SHA was developing well so progressed a few lessons up to and including finger syle. I am using House of the Rising Sun to practice that but that is not the rabbit hole!

I have seen another guitar I like (an Ibanez AR325) and in order to butter up the wife, I have started to learn one of her favourite songs, Summer of 69. This is the rabbit hole!

That said, in does contain barre chords and some intricate picking (for me anyway) so still an overall learning experiance.

I will get to power chords one day… :rofl:


Gotta love rabbits. At least that’s what the missus tells her friends.




:rofl::joy::rofl: They have to do something while we practice…

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My wife, music critic, setup expert, knowledgeable in all things guitar (even tho she cannot identify a Strat from a Les Paul), likes the Byrds.
This means I need a 12-string to play play her favorites - unless I dive into the effects of my Helix. It sounds ok… :rabbit2:

Happy wife, happy life. I am sure she will not appreciate looking at your Helix, opposed to a wonderful 12 string she can see in the flesh. You know it make sense !


Oh, it does to me too, but before I can bring a new “mistress” home, I need to write her a song, AND THEN PERFORM IT. Such cruelty.

On the good side, she hasn’t complained about the helix living in the front room with my guitars , music stand, chair, laptop, foot rest, and amp.

She complains mildly about the TV room having the other amp though… :wink: I think if I made that amp look pretty, it would be far more acceptable.

So play it really badly and explain after that it sounded like that as you haven’t got a 12 !! Simples.

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@sequences @TheMadman_tobyjenner I have great fun to read, that everybody out there is thinking about good moves to convince the lady of the house of all that needed guitars and gear. I would really appreciate a husband buying guitars at no end, as I could use them too or play toghether :joy:. As he isn’t interested in guitar playing, my two guitars feel a bit lonely and it seems as if things are going the other way round. Wife is looking for space and has to be rescued out of the deepest rabbit holes :joy:.