Rachel's Learning Log - New beginnings

Thanks for info.



With your musical background you should be able to quickly advanced once you get enough practice on the chord changes. You certainly have shown discipline with your piano self study.

I couldn’t get my arm around a dreadnaught either and went with a smaller style body of guitar. You can probably do a lot of your acoustic style songs with the Epiphone ES-339 or Gibson LP with a clean amp channel or the Epiphone ES-339 without an amp, since it is semi-hollow.

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Hiya, funny you should mention about changes. Yesterday I came across a list of 25 recommended by Justin, made my list match that. I certainly did/do love the piano. I even have a piece of music that I cannot find the composer and it’s an amazing piece. I hope you find a way to get more, I really do, as each guitar type, for me, has a very distinct sound.


You’re right about all the guitars I chose but I feel for you and your 1 in 1 out situation, that’s really harsh.

Rachel, You can look at my learning log and see that I have enough guitars so the limit on the guitars is not too restrictive, so I pulled that out of my post at the last minute. :wink: I have a small space to store the guitars anyway so I have to choose carefully. I actually had an Epiphone Dot hollow-body before I traded in on the Epiphone LP.

Good luck with the practice and have fun playing songs.


I’ll be sure to look. Enjoy your journey too.



This weeks practice done. :slight_smile:


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Hi Rachel I enjoyed reading through your LL, what a musical pedigree you have. To be able to play all of those instruments is wonderful and now turning your hand to the guitar, enjoy, enjoy enjoy :star_struck:

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4 Weeks done.

Cropped image for clarity as unreadable

Total time so far.

Ipad comes on Sunday so hope to get in some play along soon… :slight_smile:

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Had a really good practice session today, with 7 of the recommended chord changed in grade 1 over 60 per minute now not including the A,E,D changes, with 8 others over 50. Happy Guitar Gal :slight_smile:

I Also managed to get an ipad last Sunday and got “THE APP” justin time :grin: before the offer expired the following morning, played 2 songs today “Dance the Night Away and Keep on Moving” with the obligatory strum on 1 for nowand kept really good time so, I really happy with that.

Hope to be able to post some vids of progress soon.

:clap: :guitar:


Well done Rachel.
Your chord changes are improving and you are using them in songs- that’s what it’s all about. Better to strum on 1 with good timing than trying to do too much and messing the timing up. You’ll soon be doing more though.

Keep going and enjoy it 🎸

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Well done Rachel! Keep up the good work. Am glad it’s coming together for you!

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At 5 Weeks done I think

Next week I’ll look for music to start adding it to regular practice, Feel thats going to be a challenge as cant stand pieces like Hound Dog or Three Little Birds

We shall See…


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Treat it as an exercise to consolidate what you have learned so far. I’ve took that approach with learning fingerstyle. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star doesn’t exactly rock my world but it’s has it’s purpose for consolidating techniques.

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Really good progress Rachel and you’ve obviously put in alot of time. More importanltly seeing great progress too. Just wanted to drop in for a thumbs up and well done!!
:+1: :clap:

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Thanks Mark, not a lot of time, just due diligence really and I can see the difference for just a month. Feels good.



6 week in now , OMC’s not looking to bad. Last couple days been a little disappointing but rough with the smooth, I know i’ve had some really great days on OMC’s.

Begining to think about which music much more now even thought I was going to look last week, there’s so many to choose from on the app, I now have 32 possible choices to learn 5 :grimacing: .

Anyway, partners weekend starts tomorrow so my fingers can have a rest for a couple.


So I decided to drop all lot of the OMC’s that were over 60 and practice the other. That has freed up a lot of time and I’ve practiced a couple of songs and purchased the Strumming course. I hope that I can add that to a song or 2, depending on the song and tempo. Also having the little route around the theory material. :slight_smile:

I’ve now completed 7 weeks daily practice, started doing chord sequence strumming to also help with chord changes and song practice.



Well done Rachel. I also dropped the OMCs when I could comfortably make 60 / m. After that just playing and learning songs was sufficient.

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Oh that’s good. Makes me fell like I’m doing the same as other people who have gone before me.


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Hi Rachel, once you are doing 60 changes per minute you are in a much better position to attempt playing songs. A song at 120 beats per minute tempo would have only 30 chord changes per minute if the chords change at the beginning of each bar. If someone can do 60 chord changes per minute then doing 30 is manageable even adding strumming into the equation, but it won’t work if someone is doing 15.