Road Trip šŸ˜ƒ

To paraphrase another poster on another thread: Man, you couldnā€™t pay me to live in that country! :slight_smile:

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@Helen0609 und @franzek, my 2-tonic friends :smiley:
It is for such self-reflection and to provide food for thought for others that I share these musings :laughing:

Thatā€™s precisely what they do! :rofl:
No one I knew back in '84 could understand why we were choosing to move to Dublin in a deep recession rather than stay in rich CH. Never doubted I made the right decision :wink:


I understand now about your creativity, youā€™ve had a really colourful life and done so many things and been to so many amazing places, itā€™s crazy!
Youā€™ve got so many experiences to draw on that nothing fazes you, I really envy you!
I really enjoyed reading this lot, itā€™s very interesting and entertaining!


Thanks for sharing your memories with us Brian. What a trip! A great read, as it is always.
Glad to have you back with us.
Looking forward to your upcoming tune.

Regards, Shane

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Just a coupleā€¦ there were even tags in the BLIM section :wink: I was thinking does Brian get an alert that someoneā€™s talking about him but canā€™t see what they are saying about him :crazy_face:


That was a pleasure to see and read Brian. It looks like you had a great time and very brave of you to try hitchhiking these days. Have you not seen, The Hitcher? :wink:

Thank you for the share. I look forward to the next one. :slight_smile:

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Cheers Darrel

Iā€™ve just been very lucky (and privileged). I do believe the adventures we have and the places we visit in our minds are far more important than geographical ones :wink:

@sclay thanks Shane,
Glad to be back :rofl:
Itā€™ll be a while before the ā€˜tuneā€™. Got a couple of irons in the fire and summer always seems to be an unproductive time for me.

Iā€™m afraid we donā€™t get alerts from ā€˜the other placeā€™, which is probably just as well. I find it hard enough to keep up with this one :wink: and the idea of targeted practiceā€¦ well that just gives me the heebie-jeebies :open_mouth:

Thatā€™s the beauty, Stefan-
Iā€™m the one theyā€™re frightened of! :rofl:


A little late to the party, but anyways: That was a pleasure to read, Brian! Quite diverting and enjoyed all the pics you included to make the whole story even more vivid. :smiley:

It felt a little as if I was part of your journey while reading, so thanks a lot for letting me join this adventure. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to the Original that will probably result out of your road trip!

PS: As a good girl ( :rofl:) I always listend to the wisdom of me Mum to never ever take hitchhikers in when Iā€™m alone - for you I would break that rule for sure. :smiley:

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I totally get this & agree BUT the SmartAss inside thinks of this as an advertisement for the Psychedelic Revolution in the 60s!!! As in:

Turn On Now!!!
Use -REDACTED- and go places you canā€™t actually go to!
Try -REDACTED- and visit the Astral Plane!
See & Hear things Nobody else can!
Cā€™mon over to the Wild Side where we have Freedom not available in Straightsville!
Mind Blowing Free samples available for 1st time use only!



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thank you Lisa :grinning:
Iā€™m aware that this kind of thing holds little to no interest for many, but some are curious and posting it here meant I was able to send a link to family & friends who I reckoned would enjoy it. I even learned you earn a badge for that :rofl:

@CATMAN62 The ā€˜smartassā€™ inside you proves my point :rofl:
My post made you think and ā€˜take a tripā€™ inside your head, crossing the big pond, visiting me here in Merseyside.
It made me :slightly_smiling_face: (not ecstasy!)
(Drink plenty of water)


I have to admit, for me it has always a bit of ā€œdas Leben der Anderenā€ and I ask myself, why should a story of a guy from Liverpool be interesting in terms of playing guitar?
But I really enjoy your stories and like Lisa mentioned, you take us with you on a trip and this trip very often is a journey behind your story in the foreground. It often takes me to reflect myself and puts a smile on my face. Hopefully you donā€™t stop doing this :blush:.

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I loved that film :smiley:

Iā€™m doomed to forever ā€˜over-shareā€™ :rofl: