Roadhouse Blues In A

Hi Gary,

With The Doors getting some love in the forum I was expecting Roadhouse Blues - but nevermind, this was a great bluesy jam.
Cool tone.


HI Pops,
Sounded great on this end. Nice play, spunky and snappy all the way. Good tone for this one as well on the guitar. Keep up the good work and all the rock’n best!


Thanks for your comments, Stephen
My first thought was that the tone was a little too “muddy”, but others have made the same remark as you so it seems to be a good fit for the piece. Many thanks again for taking the time to listen and comment.
Gary (PapaG)

Thanks, LB - this one was a tough one for me to get down.
As for yourself, you’ve got some mighty fine player-producer & engineering skills going there - I’m particular to “Hey Joe” & “Sad Man’s Tongue” - but all the performances I listened to on your playlist (5/7) are tight, clean and well mixed. "Oil Lamp…"was a hoot!. Nicely done - a lot of time and work. Makes your comments all the more valuable. BTW - I’m trying to get the nerve up to post my first original song “Lock the Door”- stay tuned…

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Go for it Gary. I know how vulnerable it feels to share any recording and all the more when it is an original (having shared 7/8 myself). But this Community is super supportive as you’ve seen so will respond positively to the song.

That sounded great! Over all nice tone and well played. I agree with David that holding some notes would be a nice add on. Something a little growly in there would work too!

Look forward to hearing an original composition! That is so cool to be an the verge of doing that.

As someone myself who dislikes presenting my endeavors, it is hard to push you to post it…wait, no it isn’t!

Do as I say, not as I do!
Post it! Post it!

Hey Joshua,
Thank you for those extremely insightful and useful perspectives and for the encouragement. The original composition is now ‘live’ (gulp!).
PG :upside_down_face: :facepunch:

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Great job Gary. Loved this. Thanjs for shàring