Selling my PRS - Maybe a Jimi Hendrix Fender instead

Youā€™re talking to them wrong then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ok, I think Iā€™ve figured it out nowā€¦

When I go to the music storeā€¦
Firstly say a little pray to the guitar gods, then slowly walk passed all the guitars showing them my hands and asking them which one of them is going to help me turn into a guitar goddess.
Once all the guitars have replied, who say they canā€¦I need to try them all out and see which one talks to me and makes my fingers glide over the guitar strings making me feel like the guitar goddess Iā€™d like to becomeā€¦ :joy: :speak_no_evil:


:laughing::laughing::laughing: - not you as well?
Nope, you gently caress and fondle them and make them sing; if they donā€™t cooperate put them back on the rack! Even if they do you need to judge which one sings the best and youā€™re most comfy with :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@DarrellW :rofl::crazy_face: I can maybe start a group if they all sing

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What have I done :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Honestly without all of the banter it could be very boring! :yawning_face:
Seriously, Iā€™ve always found that when I go out looking at guitars I have to be flexible about whether I need one or not; for me I can spend 10 minutes with a guitar and know itā€™s what is going to work for me. Itā€™s probably why Iā€™ve had so many guitars :laughing:. I get really crotchety when Iā€™m told that it has to be ā€œone in - one outā€ theyā€™re all like friends to me. The only time that Iā€™ve not actually seen and played the guitar I got was my last one, but I did play the same thing in a shop but couldnā€™t buy it because it was the only one they had and they were selling as soon as they came in.


I do agree, banter is good for the soul and who doesnā€™t like to have laugh :laughing:
Lifeā€™s to short, so have fun :laughing:

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Quick updateā€¦
Went to the music store in Vienna and tested plenty of different guitars. Ranging from Fender, Gibson, PRS, Epiphone and Charvel etc.

The Jimi Hendriks Fender, sounded terrible :flushed:

Really liked a PRS and a Epiphone, went for a coffee and have a think. Went back played them both again and some others, but they didnā€™t sing the second time roundā€¦
So decided to do the sensible thing and walk away.
Did buy a looper pedal as a consolation prize :rofl:.

Iā€™ll wait awhile and when I get a chance, go to Thomann in Germany as their range is huge.

Overall, it was a good fun and I enjoyed it. Might not have got a new guitar, but it gave me a better overall feel of what Iā€™m looking for going forward.


Sounds like you did the right thing, and itā€™s so hard to walk away when you build yourself up to buying one ā€¦ well done!
The hunt for the right one is a big part of the buying fun anyhow :slight_smile:

Oh, and a looper will make you a much better player than a new guitar anyhow!

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Just some curious questions as Iā€™m not sure how I would even go about trying out various electric guitars at a shop.

Did you use the same amp with all the instruments you played? If so, is it the same amp you typically use at home? Were the effects settings all the same? I find that just moving to a different location in my room and different angle to my amp can change the tone significantly.

I imagine trying out acoustic guitars (as challenging as that can be) would be far easier than making decisions about a typical electric guitar. Iā€™d probably just make a choice based on feel of the neck and the paint color!

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Youā€™re joking, but these are probably the most important considerations, especially for beginners. Seriously.

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tbh feel is the top thing, if it doesnt feel comfortable and good to play its no good to you.

Sound is up there but you can always change pickups etc anyhow


Actually, not joking. I donā€™t think I could decide on an electric guitar in a store setting due to the variables I cited plus others. The feel of the neck would be paramount. Paint scheme would be personal preference as that is what I see every time I pick it up. Sonic factors are clearly really important, but I donā€™t think I could parse that out in a shop. How would I know about my amp, my effects, my room, etc, etc? Now, if I could take a dozen home to try, that would be another thing altogether.


Most guitar stores have rooms you can play in and will grab you an amp etc close enough for you to be able to test a guitar properly.

Probably no point using a plexy/mesa/tone king etc if you have a $50 junk toy at home but otherwise youā€™ll be able to hear the guitar well enough in comparison to others

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Funny, I actually tend to get better results doing the exact opposite :wink:

Pretty much any guitar can be made to work, but itā€™s important to pick one that makes you want to pick it up just by looking at it. If thatā€™s a signature model, then I see absolutely no problem with that. I once bought a Telecaster ā€œwith my headā€, because logic told me I could use those classic tones when recording. It never felt right to me, and in the end it was just left hanging on the wallā€¦


Iā€™m not a good guitar player. Iā€™ve accepted the fact that Iā€™m not going to be a good guitar player. Itā€™s not going to sound ā€œgoodā€ no matter what guitar Iā€™m playing. I play every afternoon just for my own entertainment. If I thought my guitar(s) was aesthetically unpleasing to me, Iā€™d be hard-pressed to want to play at all.

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Donā€™t dismiss the unplugged sound of an electric guitar when trying them out. I always play unplugged first. When I bought my tele I played a whole bunch and mine stood head and shoulders over the rest unplugged - it just resonated.

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For the lady asking the question the shape of the neck seemed to be a problem for her hands. Thus the neck is number 1.
2. Playing the blues means at least one Humbucker pickup would be nice , but on the other hand with a small modeling amp you can get almost any sound you want. (Like Yamaha THR, Line 6 and ā€¦)
3. In order to make the guitar easy to play it has to be set up properly, i.d. the neck , string height, the tremolo if ā€¦ and the height of the pickups ā€¦
3. Yes, there is a sound difference even with a e-guitar unplugged BUT if yo go to store much of this difference is much due to different string sets . Thus you have to compare to different e-guitar with the same gauge and model of strings. I.e. just look at one string brand and see how many options there are. And yes there is some difference in the wood, neck and bridge also but it is less in my humble opinion.

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Nailed it!

All manufactures should do what Ibanez do. Display all the information. Yes, they display the nut width etc, but never the depthā€¦You have to hunt for that information.

This information would makes life so much easier when looking for a new guitar.
My take on it all and I also think, guitars are still made in general for menā€™s hands as they presume they are the biggest market. Times are changingā€¦
Anyway, Iā€™ll keep looking and trying, until I find the ā€˜ONEā€™ :crazy_face:

Good your taking your time and checking them all out Rachel.

Iā€™ve not much to contribute.
But I will say the last two guitar I bought, I knew near from the moment I picked them up that ā€˜thatā€™ guitar was what I needed.
Specially after the first strum.
Ya just know. Both of them I would guess I played for no more than 15 or 20 minutes and decided to buy.
ā€˜Yourā€™ guitar will feel and sound right, right from square one. You wonā€™t need to play it for very long before this is evident.
At least thatā€™s how my last two purchases went.

fwiw, I stopped by a GC yesterday.
They had a lot of guitars for sure. And Iā€™m not really shopping for one at the moment. But I thought Iā€™d look.
Tried a mustang with p90s in it.
I pretty much knew from the moment I gave it itā€™s first strum. I didnā€™t need ā€˜thatā€™ guitar. I just did nothing for me.

Also, fwiw.
I know your set on a strat style guitar.
But give a Epiphone Casino a try.
It may not be what ya want.
But for me, the Casino has the tones I hear in my mind when I think ā€˜electric guitarā€™. Thatā€™s me, maybe not you, but perhaps worth picking one up just for kicks and giggles.

Hope ya find just the right one for ā€˜youā€™.

Good luck.