Shawn's Learning Log. Let's see if I can go from dreadful to not bad

Thanks Mike! I have a good feeling I’ll have to make some space in a back bedroom by the end of next week if folk around here get tired of using ear plugs :joy:

The F chord turned out, at least to me, to be fairly easy to learn, changing to and from it has become a challenge though. Right after the F chord lesson though there is the F chord Cheats lesson and in that one, I am finding the mini-F chord to be nigh unto impossible! But no fear, I used to think the same thing of the C chord and that’s turned into one of my favorite chords. I just have to figure out all the angles I need for my elbow, wrist and fingers. Back to practicing!

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Welcome and have fun

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Hi Shawn
Welcome to the Community :smiley:
Great idea with the YoutTube channel!

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Hi Shaun,

I was reminded that that open mic show is on the 19th not next week so I got ahead of myself with dates. They are available once a month if you decide to join us. One more thing I noticed based on your comments is you have plenty of long term goals, but how about the quick wins? It may surprise you but I think you can play your first basic song before Christmas. Justin’s grade one lessons include basic songs or riffs that are completely achievable. Seven nation army for example is taught will moving one finger around. These small victories will build your confidence .

Since you mentioned struggling with A , yes it is hard to squish 3 fingers all on one small fret. Justin teaches a one finger barre chord that allows you to fret all three strings with one finger. Although it feels like a cheat, I use that oftentimes when quickly switching chords in songs.

Good luck


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Thanks a lot!

Thanks Jasmine!

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Brill, thanks a lot - I’ll keep tabs on them & see if I’m about. I’m often tied up weekend evenings but do get occasional ones free so can see if any ever line up! If I can get to a basic song before the end of the year that’d be pretty cool, so hopefully that’s a realistic goal I can put in place!

Appreciate the heads up regarding that A chord variant as well! I think I am gradually finding it a tad easier, seemed that way this morning.

What most struck me from that vid you linked up was how he mentions that he mutes or leaves out the high E string during the A chord… I was literally thinking this morning that I didn’t like the sound of that E string at the end of the chord but just put it down to me not getting it right yet… may instead be a case of me also preferring the sound of it just being left out! Although being able to accurately leave it out could be a problem. :joy:

Hello Shawn and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Great to see you sharing your progress already and it will be something for you to look back on in time and think, “how did I ever find that so hard to do”.

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Shawn, welcome to the community.

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Thanks so much! Haha I hope you’re right! After just 4 days of D & A’ing back & forth I see that progress does indeed gradually happen after all… so there’s hope! :sweat_smile:


Thanks a lot Steve, appreciate the welcome!