Socio - March 2022 - Bad Moon Rising & Sweet Home Alabama

Anybody playing and singing, keeping it going and then doing picking stuff and a Module 10 guy! BRAVO @Socio .

Lot of depth to explore with that one brother keep it up!..…Rod


Great one James, good one recording and sharing a AVOYP, definitely a big step to do that! One that I just went through myself not so long ago.

Did you want feedback at all, or just to share your progress? So people commenting know.

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Yeah mate, I’m still just developing it as a long term project. You’re probably alot closer to those licks than you think. They’re not overly complex, just fast and theres a few of em. Reckon I’ve got at least another year before I start getting close, but so much fun to play, and always developing.
Cheers, Shane.

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Great effort, James, you’re well on your way on playing the song and the vocal is just fine. Keep on keeping on.

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Nothing wrong with having a go, that was pretty decent to me; keep at it, whatever you’ve been doing it’s doing good!

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As others have said, a very good effort James. Once you’ve got that picking section up to full speed it’s going to be awesome.

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Another good job. I might experiment with a capo and bring down your vocals to be more of a chest voice effort? To me you sound close on the riffs. But they are a tad late in spots. Just more practice IMHO and it will smooth out fine.

All the rock’n best,

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Good job there James. Note picked riffs too! You’re on a roll this morning. That was really good and one that you can keep coming back to and adding to.

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Well that was a pretty good effort James. Sounding good and lots of advice added already.
Certainly add this to your developer list and let it grow as you do. Well done.


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@SandyMusic Thank you Sandy for your feedback. It gives me confidence to post more AVOYPs in the future.

@Rod58 Thank you Rod for your feedback, it means a lot to me. Yes, there is a lot of depth to explore in that song and it will become a project song as progress along this musical journey.

@jkahn Thank you for your support JK. Yes, it feels like a weight has been taking off my shoulders posting my first AVOYP. Hopefully. it starts to become easier over time. I posted the AVOYP to both share my progress and receive any feedback. All feedback received from the community, whether it is highlighting what I am doing well or what I need to work on further, is welcome as feedback as a useful tool for improving.

@DavidP Thank you David for your support and feedback. It is a song that I will continually work on as I progress in my musical journey and improve as my skills and techniques develop through the application of Justin’s courses and the communities feedback.

@DarrellW Thank you Darrell for your support and glad you enjoyed it. I’m pleased to know that I’m following the right path along Justin’s courses and practicing effectively.

@SgtColon Thank you Stefan for your support and glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I still have a bit of work to do on the picking section. I will keep on at it and treat it as a fun picking exercise.

@LBro Thank you LBro for your support and glad you enjoyed it. That’s a good call on experimenting with a capo. It’s one of those songs I’m struggling with vocally and at the same time still discovering my voice. You are absolutely spot on with the timing of the riffs. I need to spend more time working on the riffs and my pick control. That is something I’m definitely going to be working on to improve.

@sairfingers Thank you Gordon for your support and glad you enjoyed it. Yes, that is going to be a project song. I’m no where near the play grade to even attempt having a go at the proper version but the simplistic version gives me a basis to build upon as my skills and techniques develop.

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thank you Toby for your support and glad you enjoyed it. Already, added to my developers list to develop as I progress and to my dreamers list when I have the capability to have a go at the proper version.

Thats a great effort. Maybe its just me but the picking sections e.g. right at the start sounded a little slow. Having said that I could not do it at your speed. Well done.

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@skinnyt, thank you for your support and feedback. Yes, the picking sections are something I still need to work on to get consistency. Somedays it just clicks, but other days, it doesn’t. It’s an area that I have marked to work on improving, that, and using a thicker pick.

Very nice work James.

I don’t agree with you at all :smiley: The key doesn’t suit you or bring out your best qualities.

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That was another great one from you James, very steady rhythm and enjoyable play, consistent and solid. Well done!

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@batwoman Thanks, Maggie :blush: I found this one a challenge to sing. I’ve received lots of good advice to take on board. So, it was well worth the attempt. It’s a project song, so I can take that advice and apply it as I continue to develop the song.

@adi_mrok thanks, Adrian :blush: I’m pleased to hear my rhythm is going well. This is something I’ve been focusing on in my practice sessions. I’ve still got a lot of work to do on pick control and maintaining rhythm when picking individual strings.


Hi James,
Post 2 songs at the same time, don’t, that confuses me… :upside_down_face:
Well done, this is a very nice one… and one to grow with as told here before, but you have laid down a nice foundation :sunglasses:

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@roger_holland thanks Rogier :smiley: It could have been three songs, but I made a rookie error of forgetting to hit the start recording button :roll_eyes:

@LBro I took your advice and experimented with the capo today. With the capo on the second fret, it felt a lot easier to sing the lyrics and control my vocals. Thanks for advice.

Good deal! Now you need to practice a bit and then record us a new sample!

Keep on rock’n,

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Definitely, that’s a good call. I’m going to keep that song as part of my song repetition and record an update in a month or so to evaluate the progress I have made, taking into consideration all the great advice received from the community. As for Bad Moon Rising, I think that’s good enough now to put into my campfire list and practice it now and again to keep it fresh in my memory. Thanks LB.