Super fast chord changes needed for Country Roads?

Hello @saj78 and welcome to the Community.

Justin calls this Old Faithful. It is a great pattern to learn. It is in Grade 1 Module 4.

That is wholly unnecessary.

That is going to develop into a bad habit. Please work to correct it. @stitch mentions air changes which is a great exercise for this type of issue. Also try this I wrote out for someone with fingers that lagged behind the others when going to a chord: Grade 1 - A & D chords - I'm taking it slower to make better progress ... with success - #6 by Richard_close2u

And, as others mention, always slow right down to the speed you can play CORRECTLY and get it right at that speed before moving up in tempo.

I hope that helps.

Cheers :smiley:

| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Moderator