@brianlarsen Brian, wanted to ask before the old house gets shut so we can Read Only through the windows, I’d love to see the compilation you initiated and Roman made possible here. Please.
I’ll second that !
Haha, cheers Maggie for the ‘bump’
The link is somewhere in my Learning Log, so I presume most of the good folk here have already watched it a couple of times…
For those who have not yet had the pleasure… Well, here’s the YouTube blurb:
Two years ago, I decided to try and learn to play the guitar using the free www.Justinguitar.com course.
It’s been a blast.
I wanted to do a thank you song for Justin and remembered this ‘earworm’, used in a UK chocolate ad campaign in the 1980s.
I’m far too young to remember the original but it seemed especially appropriate, as I now live in Merseyside and have met John Gorman from the Scaffold a couple of times.
I roped a bunch of the website’s friendly forum members into helping me out.
We hope you enjoy the result.
Shot on location in the UK, Russia, France, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Bermuda and Japan
… and from the ‘comments section’
This is not my project, nor Roman’s, nor the band’s, nor all the extra contributors’, nor all those who couldn’t take part or were left out due to numbers…
This is simply a consequence of what happens when people like Justin and his team do positive things, for no particular reward.
Good deeds cause more good deeds.
The world is a better place for this site and the people who make it work
Cheers, Brian
I’d just tracked it down on ootub !!
Err… are they not one and the same?
When I played the one you copied over it finished early and did not have cameo outro.
Well I never seen this one before and I am glad Maggie requested to move it over. Cracked me up wide open, what a great collaborative earworm you guys outdid yourselves!
Thankyou Brian, you did good on this one.
What a trip down memory lane.
How awesome! I’m another that hasn’t seen this before.
Great stuff.
What a fantastic idea. Wonderful collaboration, great job putting it together. Just - really great job by you guys. You did a Good Thing, and of course you did it for a Good Guy!
Thank You Very Much!
Was good to see some old faces !
Thank you very, very, very, very much!
What a nice gesture and isn’t it strange how Justin’s approach and whole personality attracts like-minded people who are even willing and able to put this up. I feel you have been touched the same way by his teaching „now“ as I already have been, when I discovered the first site and still am, when watching the new videos. A phenomenon this is.
Thanks for this thread!
Hi new and old members…
I hope no one will blame me for bringing something up from the old caverns of the forum…but i liked this one very much (I had completely missed it)… and is too nice to miss
… …so deal with it