The final Thumb Blues šŸ˜Ž

Hi Pamela @pkboo3
Thank you for dropping by :smiley: and thanks for the nice comment ,

yes those ā€œbendsā€ are blues curls and I like them very much,
Justin plays them more than he explains them in the lessons, and because I listen to the original intro version more than I see the pieces explained in the lessons, I usually have to put them in myself :sunglasses: :smiley:

Hi Mathieu @math07
:sweat_smile: ā€¦Ooo, I started that gospel blues one on Monday morningā€¦I was done in an hour and a halfā€¦so easy easy peasyā€¦
Wellā€¦uh, that means, after the first few listens and seeing the video with the guitar in hand I took a break in between and tried to play some barrs then I decided I was done with it and it I donā€™t think itā€™s a nice song at all :roll_eyes:ā€¦whether itā€™s too much dissonance or something ???, but I showed it to my wife in the evening and that must be it because she really didnā€™t like the sound of it either (what Justin played then, huh ,not me :smile:)ā€¦

continue today wih the Raggy Island Blues to kill some time wile waiting for the new stuff from our dealer :smiley: :sunglasses:

Hi James @Socio
Ha ha he certainly will, but Iā€™m so afraid Iā€™ll never leaveā€¦

In any case, I need adjustments to the bed and given that he is still looks quite vital (donā€™t tell him, donā€™t tell him :roll_eyes:), a adapted hotel would be more likely to be the place to spend the night. :sweat_smile:

Greetings all :wave: and after weeks with only 2 days some sun long ago (and record cloudy since begin December) today waiting for the :sunny: ā€¦ :smiley:

I am with you. I dig the blues curls also. Any flat 3rd I curl that bad boy. Well maybe not any of them but if it sounds and feels good it is good.

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I think that the BLIM graduation party (which is at end of January) would be the best moment to release the new solo blues course. With an early bird discount hahaa

Maybe Iā€™m dreaming awake :rofl:

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Hi Jason @Ontime
Ha ha ,yes with improvisation over a backing track I sometimes have to be careful not to overshoot and start curl also other notes :see_no_evil:

Hi Mathieu @math07
That would be a fun release party :smiley:

Knowing Justin, these curses course( of course :roll_eyes: (and this looks strange too ā€¦how much fun language can be :smile:) ) wonā€™t make a hole in the bank account :sunglasses:

Edit :
I was pointed out to me that I probably made another small spelling mistake :roll_eyes: ,which then translated by Google comes out a bit strange (the same one for the umpteenth time) :confounded: :see_no_evil: ,
Iā€™ve explained it many times before, so Iā€™ll do it again only when asked :blush:

Greetings :sunny:


Hi Roger,
Iā€™m glad you are back and feeling better mate! Sounding great on this end and I found many things to like here.

Nice controlled play, good clean tone on the guitar, nice little runs and some good bends thrown in for good measure.

Nice to know you are into the blues, but not so blue now! Uh, some attempt at a joke there I guess! Chin up and keep on playing the blues as it fits you well in play.

All the best and be well,

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Very sexy Roger. Made me pick up my own and okay along with you. Thanks for the jam

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Hi LBro @LBro
Thank you very much :smiley: and thanks for the nice words :blush: :smiley:

Great that you like the play and what you typed and :smile: the joke must work because I am laughing now :joy:

Thanks and all the best back :sunglasses:

Hi Dom @Blobbyblob
Thank you for dropping by that is sporadic so I really appreciate that :smiley:

Nice to read that I can inspire someone to play the blues the way you playā€¦Even if half true, I find itā€™s okay to hear :joy:

Lovely bluesy piece ! Very nicely played!

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Hi Andreas @andyPlays
Thank you :smiley: and nice that you leave a comment :sunglasses:


Sorry Rogier, Iā€™m sooooo late to clap my hands about your fantastic playing! Iā€™ll have to keep it short, just wanted to say, this was really wonderful! I love the ease and the relaxed way your fingers are moving over the fretboard and it sounds just so sweet to my ears!
You are a great inspiration and hopefully many many practice hours later I will get to this point too :wink:.
(Currently ā€œfightingā€ with the first bars of the Boom Bass. My braincells totally refuse to memorize something due to my health issues atm, so Iā€™m having a hard time to sound relaxed :laughing:.)

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Hi Andrea @Helen0609

Nooo ,you are just in time :smiley: :sunglasses:

Thank youā€¦ thatā€™s very kind of you ā€¦ :blush:

I hope it helps if I say that I have worked on this for many days and weeks, sometimes several hours a dayā€¦ nothing comes naturally to me too :grimacing: , although luckily it does come a little faster after every lesson :sweat_smile:ā€¦

Too bad to read that the fatigue is still a big issue ā€¦

You make me smile and :blush:

Keep on ā€œfightingā€ and these barrs will open for you :sunglasses: :smile: :sunny:


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