The Lifted Barre Trick

This is a good lesson ( I like the sounds of the chords) but find that I am angling my wrist more than a normal barre chord and getting some pain. With normal barre chords I do have my wrist slightly bent anyway as can’t get it flat as Justin is suggesting.

I can’t help but see a similarity to power chords with this shape…and because I forged my power chords with the pinky as an addition, these lifted barres are likely easier as a result.

However, as @Stuartw mentioned, I too am angling my wrist more than I’d like, and feeling some pain on the backside of the wrist and hand. Stuart, have you noticed the pain easing any over the past couple of months with practice and conditioning?

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@artax_2 Hi Stacy, I’m not Stuart :blush:, just wanted to answer, as I have my difficulties with wrist problems too, be it power chords or barre chords.
I’ve finished Grade 3’s lessons and practiced power chords on and off for months now, but can’t say, my hand position or wrist problems got significantly better over time.
I’m working on position a lot, I guess my wrist angle is not too bad, for me, it’s more from stressing my thumb whilst pressing to hard on the neck,I guess. I really try to overcome this, as it forces me to pause again and again…
Let me know, if you’ve found a solution :wink:!

@Helen0609 Hi! Yes, it does seem like I’m using my thumb quite a lot too. I am really fighting my thumb’s natural tendency to point at an angle between the ceiling and the headstock, or wholly towards the headstock, as well as wanting to land slightly to the side of the thumbpad, and I am seeing it while doing these lifted barres as well. I still just overall am not happy with how my fretting hand acts. Ah well, the fun continues.

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I have actually although still can’t keep this shape for very long as it just becomes too painful.

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