The Madman's Learning Log

You’ve made a lot of progress over the last 6 months, Toby. With your dedication, commitment & application, the next 6 months is going to be even better. Happy I’ve got a front row seat to watch you progress through the BLIM course and to steal your licks.

Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
I think you are right in having only periodic LL to report progress.
I am not a BLIMer but the more I hear about it, the more it seems a lot of dedication is going to be required and it is going to be time consuming.

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Great read and update, Toby! You’ve come a long way in the past half year, especially the last few weeks. It’s great to see how dedicated and motivated you are with regards to the Blues. :smiley:

I’m so much looking forward to this!

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Hi Toby, I have to say that you have an impressive list of past recordings. I have been trying to read your learning log from the beginning ( it has taken me a couple of days), so this is my second viewing of this list. Of course any list this impressive deserves an encore (EDIT: upon further reflection, I realized that this list had to be updated since Dec. 2021).Your organizational prowess has inspired me over the last 2 years in JG. I have tried to mimic your organization and practice tips in a small way.

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Hi Toby, based on all your LL entries, I would say you are one of the better prepared members of the BLIM. This just gives you a chance to do like Eric Clapton or SRV and totally immerse yourself in the old blues music and artists, that provides the foundational understanding and inspiration for truly great improvisation in the blues.

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Thanks for the read Steve, there are another 12 recording to add from January this years and some others in the pipeline related to the BLIM course. The organisational side of things stem from my working life but they can be applied to all manner of things in life. Mapping them out is one thing, sticking to the plan is another but I have been more focused on certain things over the last couple of years and that seems to be paying dividends with the Blues course and for now I am 100% committed to that. As for practice tips and advice, I just try to help folk avoid some of the mistakes I made back in the day and save them a lot of heart ache !

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback. You’re doing ok yourself, so just keep doing what you are doing as you’re progressing well.



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