The Madman's Roadcase

I must be getting old Darrell. That totally threw me, until I recalled that photo at the top of these “fingerstyle road case” additions back in Feb. On my list as well !

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Well I’ve just completed 66 solar orbits and its time to celebrate with a new guitar.
Another !!! I hear you shout, not arf said Fluff. :smiley:

The article in questions is a Takamine GD30CE-B but for various reasons it is not my responsibility. Honest guv. :wink:

The blame has to be laid at the feet of a young lady called Rachel White aka Hollywood, who when I first joined the forum in early 2014, was sharing various progress videos and playing a gloss black Takamine which looked gorgeous. I’ll have one of them one day I said ! :thinking:

Late January I was window shopping at Thomann, which I referenced in the Valentines post and dropped a Yamaha FX370C (I think) and the Takamine in the Wishlist for review. Didn’t really like the brown pickguard on the Yam so ditched it. Later to be told by my missus that she’d order the “lovely black guitar in your Wishlist”. :scream: Wasn’t actually planning on another. But as she’s been wiped out health wise and not been out bar a few days in 2 years she wanted to treat me. But I decided to keep it on hold for my birthday as she was still laid low by an allergic reaction following her 3rd Covid jab. Man that has been a hard 6 weeks, knowing it just sitting upstairs waiting for me.

Looks the absolute “dogs” and plays like a dream.



Happy orbit, Toby :sunglasses:
Does it have a pickup or would you like an appointment with the drill doctor? :laughing:


No surgery required, so to disappoint you Brian. :rofl:

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Happy NGD Toby heck of a collection you have in there now with latest additions! Looks sort of similar to mine but a lot more posh and high end, hope to hear some playing out of it soon! :wink:

Happy NGD Toby! Looks sweet as. Bet it plays like it too. :sunglasses:
Cheers, Shane.

Wishing you many many more happy orbits, my friend. How can one not be happy with such guitars to keep one company. Look forward to a Diary entry with you playing that guitar.

Very nice sir…look forward to hearing it on a song or two.

Happy NGD Toby. Can it play Layla?


Thanks you all peeps. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I will endeavour to record something at some point but a few things on the go at the moment. But can it play Layla ? Well @sairfingers they were introduced last night and there is some potential. It has a 43mm nut and the T is 41mm, weird how much difference 2mm can make. Today some Mario fingerstyle, which I’ve neglected, so will be good to try on the Taka !

Watch this space

Happy NGD Toby. A lovely looking instrument but is more knobs and sliders for you to fiddle with a good thing? :smiley:

Hi Toby,
Well Well, indeed spoiled :sunglasses:…happy NG2eD :grin:

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Yes indeed Rogier.

Stefan its just EQ and Volume so no great issue. If I plug into record I’ll EQ via the amp or the DAW, so with the loud switch just check it does 12-15, 10 is so yesterday. :sunglasses:

Will it be a duet?

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Mmmm call me an old cynic but I smell skulduggery ! But hey that was cool all the same. The only audio assistance I get from our old girl would be snoring in the key of the day. That’s what my playing does to her. Might explain why she has me up at 5am, maybe its revenge and not her age after all !

But I might have to take it round to the local magician. Horrible fret buzz on B and e just on the 12th and 13th fret, rod adjustment hasn’t helped and nothing obvious on the fret front.
Will wait until next week as busy with rehearsals next couple of days.


Happy NGD that’s a beautiful guitar. I’ve always loved the look of a Takamine, maybe one day …

And that’s quite a collection you have going there Toby! What’s a birthday for if not a new guitar lol.

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What a beuty she is Toby!! Happy NGD!!

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Happy birthday, Toby. That’s a lovely looking guitar you’ve got mate. Look forward to seeing you playing it. Don’t forget to use strap locks with it.

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Ooo shiny shiny, happy NGD!
I must admit that I like Takamine guitars but have never found one in a shop the right size for me, they tend to be Dreds around the shops I get to, for me I could hide behind one :joy::joy::joy:
Enjoy it and we would all like to hear it I’m sure :+1::+1::+1:

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Happy Birth to Earth Day Toby. What a lovely new guitar you have. Is there room in the rack?