The reason I'll never be a great guitar player

Good story!

I posted here a little while ago about Tubular Bells for Two. Two amazing Aussie musos who do the whole tubular bells album live on stage. They are both able to play any instrument - guitar, keyboards, drums, etc.

I have since found out that one of them is the barista in the coffee shop where my daughter works. I guess that’s where he can actually earn an income.

Who gave you permission to film in my house?


I would settle for mediocre

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Hmmm….does anyone have the devil’s phone number? :joy:


+316-12345 666
Your welcome :sunglasses:

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I read a book called Rockonomics that went into how the music industry works and there was an interesting story about how Elton John got paired with Bernie Taupin. It was literally luck that Elton was handed an envelope with Bernie’s info in it and the receptionist that handed it to him suggested that he contact Bernie to improve his (Elton’s) chances at auditions. After reading that, I’m convinced it’s all in being in proximity to amazing people, getting out of the house and taking risks, and getting lucky.


Too old to “get lucky” anymore….

Country code +31… Should have known he’s Dutch :crazy_face:

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There are a lot of examples of being in proximity to amazing people. Jackson Brown and Glenn Frey were neighbors, and Jackson Brown introduced Glenn and Don Henley of the Eagles to Linda Ronstadt.

Laurel Canyon was home to dozens of musicians (Zappa, CSNY, Brian Wilson, Jim Morrison, etc) and they would often get together to jam at Cass Eliliot (Mama Cass), or Joni Mitchell’s house.

It helps to surround yourself with like-minded people.

Of course being lucky also helps. Kenny Loggins first recording was going to be The House at Pooh Corner but Disney sent a cease and desist letter. That evening he went to out to dinner =with his girlfriend, told her the story and she said let me call Daddy. Her dad was the CEO of Disney at the time and allowed Kenny Loggins to record the song.

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Yes, Frey lived upstairs. Frey tells a great anecdote about that:

Every morning we’d wake up and we’d hear Jackson’s piano coming through the floor from the apartment below. He would play one verse, then play it again, and again and again. Twenty times in a row, till he had it exactly the way he wanted.
Then he’d move to the next verse. Again, twenty times. It went on for hours. I don’t know how many days we listened to this same process before it suddenly hit us: This is how you write a song. This is how it’s done. That changed everything for us.


It’s probably his number :wink:

Hmm. Laurel Canyon. Bizarre ( or perhaps not so bizarre) history to that place. Things aren’t always what they seem. Of course, use your own discernment.
For those so inclined, check out Dave McGowan’s book " Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon". Here’s an extensive interview with him below.

Cheers, Shane

This is also a very interesting book:

Hmmm… he talks about David Crosby’s father having a military background and working in intelligence. David Crosby’s father was Floyd Crosby, a renowned Hollywood cinematographer, who did High Noon. Sure, he served in the army during the war… but in the film wing making training videos.

My discernment makes me think this book is very likely a sensationalist beat-up.

Of course, one is free to assess information based on whatever they choose.
Dig a little deeper though, and you may just find a reality that has largely been suppressed.
The military intelligence connection to those in Laurel Canyon is astounding. As is the rapid rise of the music industry in Southern California full stop, out of absolutely nowhere. Quite a few of these bands did not even play the instruments on their albums. And people think it was just the Monkees that were ‘created’.
David Crosby wasnt much of a musician - this from his peers. How did a place like Laurel Canyon, rife with drug taking, drug trafficking even, survive the law? The whole area of Laurel Canyon was pretty much ignored by the law - until those murders of course. Why werent any of these guys drafted to the Vietnam war, not even the lesser known ones?. What was the history, and purpose, of the militarty installation on the mountain top? Official historical explanations have proved flakey.
There’s a whole history there mate that has largely remain hidden. Sensationslism it is not.

Not a guitarist, but certainly one of the best at what he did. Greatness is the result of hard work.

Perhaps conspiracy theory? :wink:

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It is also said ‘Presumption prior to investigation is the height of ignorance’ :wink:.

Absolutely no chance, simple reason, as I started when I was 69. If I took the 9 off the end and started when I was 6 there might have been a chance.


I started 3 years ago at 68. Totally changed my life for the better. I have a purpose, focus and passion. I love that I can just pick up my acoustic and play. To relieve my stress. And have neighbors , friends and family who I now Jam with. So rewarding .I cherish every pick and strum Merry Christmas and keep picking!