Took my new guitar in for a setup. What’s your experience with luthiers vs DIY been?

A-ha! So there is a bit of ignorance on my part, seeing as I am nowhere near string bending. I am glad to hear you like the D’addarios, and I’m glad you and @stitch both pointed out that they work well for bending. I even read that in your earlier post, but just didn’t make the inference. When I get to bending someday faaaar far far in the future, I’ll keep this in mind and not internally sneer the next time I have a salesperson suggest them.
Oh and I did not know that about Elixirs being D’addario strings. Interesting!

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D’Addario is a Family owned business and manufactures there own strings and Elixir are a subsidiary of W. L. Gore & Associates the manufacture of breathable GORE-TEX® fabric.
So they may or may not get strings from D’Addario.
I know the coating on D’Addario is no where as good a Elixir.

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I’d heard from two people (guitar shop guitar, and a luthier) that Elixir used D’Addario strings. After your post I got curious and did some googling. Seems there is no authoritative source one way or another, just a bunch of various forum posts.

Interesting how hearsay and rumour spread. It was stated to me as fact rather than a rumour.

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“Music shops are a business and most of their customers are beginners. They cannot afford to alienate them.”

Until you start to play one of the “Forbidden Riffs”… they get downright rude & actually ask people to leave sometimes!


PS It happened to me & that’s how I found out that just a FEW LITTLE NOTES of Stairway to Heaven is Verboten!!!

Its a fun thing…`Why is Stairway to Heaven BANNED in Guitar Stores? - YouTube

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