Trouble focusing

Thank you all for your thoughts and ideas. I will try to include your advice in my practice. :hugs:


Is there a link to this book ? I’ve looked on both Amazon and a large book retailer and can’t seem to find it ?

Yes, there is. The book as pdf is EUR 8,95, the hardcopy more expensive, here comes the link:

Thanks Helen. Only $9 USA for the pdf version. I’ll have to decide if I want the 9$ pdf or the $20 soft cover. I’m usually old school in that I like a book I can hold onto, but there is quite a price difference. Sounds like it might be helpful. :hugs:

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Hi John, I think that you have received a lot of good advice already. The only thing that I would add is to make sure your practice doesn’t include too many technical exercises, but also includes things that you enjoy playing. Justin recommends that half of your practice should be fun songs or whatever you enjoy playing. So you can do some exercises 5 min at a time and then play something fun that will keep you focused on your playing.

I definitely agree with this.

I don’t know if you’re using the Practice Assistant, but I find it very helpful (despite the “bing” sound at the end of each item.) I just revamped my practice assistant routines and discovered the new “technical” one is 36 minutes long. And my one for playing songs is 78 minutes. I may have to split the technical into 2 and practice them every other day, but I’ll see how it goes first.

I have to say though, being tired at night won’t help. Is there any way you could sneak in a 15 minute session earlier in the day?


Well, I ordered the pdf version. Now to get reading and see if it helps. Thanks for the link :smiling_face:

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