TuesdaysGone - My Learning Log

May 14th, 2024
Finished the lessons in Module 2 for Grade 2, but I’m nowhere ready to move on to Module 3 but that’s ok since I’m not trying to rush things but just take my time to build a good foundation with these early lessons.

My strumming as I mentioned earlier, is the biggest struggle and making smooth chord changes while strumming goes along with that. So I will concentrate on the practice routine provided for Module 2. I also have Justin’s Beginner Songbook I, which I really like as it’s another tool and great supplement to the main course. I enjoy having it on my coffee table and to be able to look at whatever song I’m working on, even when I’m not actually holding my guitar.

So, that’s where I’m at almost 4 weeks in.


May 24th, 2024
Unfortunately, today is the first day I’ve been able to resume my journey as I was hospitalized this past Monday, the 20th, due to chest pains along with rapid heart beat and high blood pressure. I had a heart attack in February 2023 that resulted in a stent being placed in my RCA due to a 100% blockage. Fortunately this time wasn’t quite as bad with the diagnosis being something called Angina that hopefully the new/changed meds will control. So, after being released yesterday and getting a decent nites sleep, I resumed my Grade 1 Module 2, practice routines today and it felt great to have my guitar in hand again and even though Iit had only been a few days! I was still pleased that I could still meet/exceed the OMC exercises and actually improved on the Peter Gunn riff from my last try at it. I did do a kinda air guitar thing while in the hospital, by recalling the chords I’ve learned and positioning my fingers on my air guitar! :grin:

I really missed my guitar in that short time and not being able to practice, but I’m so glad to be back in the saddle again!
