Where can I find more chord melody arrangements?

I’d definitely buy a Justin Guitar songbook dedicaced to chord melody arrangements of popular songs. Or a course acoustic melodies not blues related. :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Hi Mathieu, my reply is a bit late. Just IMHO Chord Melodies are complex things and require many skills…I remember when I watched Waltzing Matilda lesson for the first time I thought “No way, sir! This is way too difficult for me!” But in the end the approach to Chord melodies Justin suggests there is very valuable. If you’ve learnt a few easy chord melody arrangements it might be time for you to arrange something by yourself, something very simple to start with. Just trust your ear and go for what sounds good to you! It’s fun and engaging…only it requires some time, especially at the beginning. In the long run one can really appreciate how valuable this kind of practice is.

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Thanks @Silvia. Great advice. I followed your Wind of Change chord melody project and it’s a great result of what can be achieved. Congrats ! :slight_smile: