3 Months in! Green Day - Basket Case

That’s some highly impressive progress for the time you’ve been playing Beau, really good palm muting and playing Basket Case at full tempo is no mean feat.
:clap: :guitar:

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@jkahn Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, there are a couple parts where the movements while standing still aren’t as ingrained as my seated playing and it causes me to drag a little bit. I’ll keep working on it!

@Notter Thanks for checking it out. It’s definitely at the upper limits of my downpicking speed right now, and it gets pretty fatiguing trying to get a good take and having to start all over with the intro many times! Certainly some of my flubs on that recording are just fatigue from playing it again and again!

I thought to myself at one point “Ok, warm up for a few minutes and then hit record!” only to play my best take without audio or video being recorded. Doh! I’ll have to record my warmup attempts from now on :sweat_smile:

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Something we are all familiar with there Beau!! :joy:

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Wow - that’s super impressive - incredible you only started this year - those long hours of practice are paying off. Well done!

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Wow. Far superior to my ability at 3 months. You’re a natural.

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Thanks for the kind words, @Jdavidp @TobiH!

That is really impressive progress for 3 months only, especially rhythm and how relaxed your strumming hand is. Well done! How much do you practice daily approx?

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Thanks Boris. It varies. Some days it might just be 30 minutes to get my “daily” done, but if I have a stretch of free time I might sit down for 2-3 hours before I even realize the time has passed. I don’t really have a set schedule for it aside from trying to make sure I play SOMETHING every day, be it songs or specific practice on scales/chords/etc.

Throughout Grade 1&2 I was very specific about doing whatever Justin had prescribed. Now that I’m in consolidation it has been mostly songs.

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Awesome for 3 months. Sounds great and love the guitar. Cool song to play and loving your tone

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Wow, that was great. And a very pretty guitar!

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