View the full lesson at 5 Blues Licks from Pattern 2 | JustinGuitar
is there a way to just play the licks to hear what they sound like. i saw that someone had the licks from pattern 1 on the site with a play button next to them i was just wondering if they did it for these as well?
Hi @gristam
I presume you are referring to this topic I created to help people develop their blues lead play: First Steps in Blues Improvisation using Minor Pentatonic Scale Pattern 1
I only did it with the five licks from pattern 1 as that topic focuses entirely on encouraging people to use pattern 1 until it feels good.
Cheers RIchard
Thanks for the lesson! Should we still play licks 1,2 and 4 as straight 8th notes against the shuffle rhythm backing track or play them in a triplet/shuffle feel?
I am interested in the answer to this question, too.
When demonstrating the licks, Justin generally plays them straight, but when I play them over a backing track that is in a shuffle rhythm, it seems like the rhythm of the lick should also be in shuffle, which is how I try to play it. The licks are generally harder to play this way, though.
it wasnt that one seems like you did the sound for practice exercises, i couldve sworn i was able to hear just the licks on the lesson called “5 blues licks from pattern 1” i went back and looked and didnt see it anymore, idk maybe i’m mistaken but i couldve swore i saw it before
Regarding the picking patterns, you seem to be less directive when describing how to pick the notes. Does this mean that how we pick them is really up to our personal preference?
At the end lick #5 it sounds like Justin is NOT muting the release between the double bends, even though he saids that you should. Am I not hearing it correctly?
Hey @kchi, you are hearing it correctly. He releases the bend on the high E string and does not mute it. When he talks about muting, he’s referring to the other strings (i.e. strings 2, 3 and 4), which must be muted so they will not contribute noise. He goes through this on the picking hand close-up.
A post was split to a new topic: How can I get a tone similar to Justin’s in the blues licks lessons?
A post was split to a new topic: Strings wearing out practicing blues licks and bends. Should I but singles as spares?
I have just started looking at this module and learning some of the licks from pattern 2. I’ve also been finding out about following the chords in a 12 bar blues and making the changes. So this raises a question for me.
Can I take an Am pentatonic blues lick and simply move it up to create a corresponding Dmaj blues lick? (eg lick one could move up 2 frets) Or is there some music theory reason why this might not work?
I guess the obvious answer is to try it and trust my ear!
Welcome to the forum Alan.
Yes you can move the same like up the fret board but uo 5 frets not 2 to play it over the D(4) chord and move it up 2 more frets and play it over the E(5) chord.
You can also use the same Am lick over the D chord by rearanging the notes to start or end on the note D
@oztelemann welcome to the community.
The fact you specify 2 frets to be thinking D major makes me think you are thinking of shifting minor to major pentatonic.
A minor pentatonic pattern 1 rooted at fret 5 is also C major pentatonic rooted at fret 8. Naturally moving that up two frets gives D major pentatonic (same shape as B minor pentatonic rooted at fret 7).
If that is your thinking then you may not like what you hear when you play those licks using major pentatonic. The minor / major licks are not interchangeable.
As @stitch says, move the minor pentatonic up five frets, not two.
Thanks for the quick reply! That’s exactly what I was thinking. Justin talks about using Amin (or maj) pentatonic over first four bars of A, then switching to Dmaj for the next two D bars. So was wondering if it would work to simply slide the lick up, but use it as major. So, not a good idea.
I am still having trouble trusting my ears on this. I find going between major and minor pentatonics anywhere to just sound a bit “wrong”. But I guess I will develop a feel for it.
Thanks for the input.
Concentrate just in the minor pentatonic for now and ensure you’re really familiar with using it to make music, to improv and so on.
A couple of grades up Justin brings major pentatonic lessons to blues playing.
Check this lesson and especially what he says and plays from 4 minutes.
Ah, thanks Richard. For some reason I missed that lesson and it explains everything.
I am a little guilty of jumping around. Must learn to be more methodical!
Hi all I am puzzled by the same exact question about rhythme why are some licks demonstrated in 8th notes, when we mostly play shuffle/tripplet. Should we adapt these licks to the shuffle? Are some licks only for 8th?