View the full lesson at 5 Blues Licks from Pattern 5 | JustinGuitar
Hello, everybody!
Is there any song that you know that uses the lick #5 of the pattern 5 ?
It’s my favorite. Thank you very much, Justin , Thank you all, for your help and… patience!
Hi worked through minor pentatonic from pattern 1 to 5 on the web page which shows all the 5 patterns, in pattern 5 (A) , the root note is shown on fret 15, up to that point I joined all the 5 patterns together. However, clicked on the link to the blues course, Minor pentatonic Pattern 5 and 5 blues licks from Pattern 5, and now confused since the 5 licks are all around frets 3/4/5 and the the Patter 5 on this course is nowhere near fret 15, so any advice?
sorry Fret 17 should read
Hi there… Pattern 5 is found in both those places. It’s the same notes, but different accessibility eg acoustic versus electric and different tone too.
Hello Peter,
The difference is due to the 2 Pattern 5s you mentioned being an octave apart.
So same pattern, same shape, just an octave apart.
After fret 12 on a guitar, patterns etc start ‘repeating’.
Eg fret 13 is fret 1, an octave up.
Cheers, Shane