5 Common Chord Progressions

So is the 3rd one and all of them are in the Key at C. To change Key write out the chords in another Key and match up the numbers.
For example the key of G G am bm C D em F#dim Number them 1-7 and match the numbers to the numbers above the chord progressions.

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I’m pretty certain Save Tonight, by Eagle Eye Cherry uses the second chord progression.


What’s the benefit of numbering the chords according to alphabetical order: 1(C) - 2 (Dm) - 3 (Em) - 4 (F) - 5 (G) - 6 (Am)? Just for easy reference?

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The numbering refers to the degree of the scale where the root note of the (diatonic) chord is, i.e. in C major Dm is the “2” chord because D is the 2nd degree of the C major scale. And scales are a group of notes in ascending/descending order, so the notes are automatically in alphabetical order as well.

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@talank When you number Chords you use roman numerals to differentiate Major and minor chords. This way you can transpose to any key and keep the same chord progression


Help needed !!
Hi, there something I can’t wrap my head around.
Why are the chords II, III, VI & VII always minor and not major ?
Thanks a lot in advance

Hello @Adri83210 and welcome to the community.

There is a strict and never changing order to patterns and sequences in music.
The major scale formula.
Chords in a key.
Chord construction.
All of these mysteries and more can be understood with just a little musical understanding.
Can I suggest you try the first few modules (free) of Justin’s Theory course here: https://www.justinguitar.com/store/practical-music-theory
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard | JustinGuitar Approved Teacher, Official Guide & Moderator

By the way, VII is diminished, not minor.

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I created a practice item for myself using these 5 chord progressions, and it did wonders for my ability to make the chord changes. I suggest it for people who just don’t get inspired by learning many of the simple beginner songs using open chords.

Practice each of these chord progressions in the key of C, and each of these chord progressions in the key of G, and the 12-bar blues progression in A. This will provide you with lots of practice on all the most-used chord changes using the open chords (plus your favorite version(s) of F).

I added this as a 5 minute exercise to my daily practice instead of learning simple songs. I started REALLY slow, getting one progression “under my fingers” at 60 bpm before moving to the next one. Once I had all the progressions decent at 60 bpm, I slowly built up the speed until I was able to play all of the progressions (1 bar for each chord) at 80 bpm on the metronome.

Now that I can easily do all these changes, I still use this exercise every time I want to learn a new strumming pattern. I start really slow, and, by the time I’m back up to 80 bpm, I am comfortable strumming the pattern while performing all the chord changes.

If you don’t know how to figure out the chords for the key of G, this is a great time to add the beginning of the Practical Music Theory course to your practice schedule. Or, review Justin’s lesson on “Chords in a key”.

I credit this exercise with getting me from “frustrated beginner” to “believing I can actually do this”. It not only gave me the practice I needed for chord changes, it helped build up my finger strength and dexterity, helped me learn how to use minimum finger pressure when fretting, improved my left hand - right hand coordination, and gave me a good starting point for improvising my own chord progressions when I practice improvisation.




I too have done that for the key of C which is helping with my F barre changes.

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It’s also good for the C to weak finger G changes.

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I heard jewel. Who will save your soul.


Good advice. Starting out too fast is a bad idea

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I also hear let it be by the. Beatles.

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When we’re doing one minute changes is there a number we would be expecting to hit to allow us playing songs that have these chord progressions? Back in Grade 1 we were aiming for a minimum of 30 changes per minute but I can’t find a revised target for Grade 2.

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Mr Jones by Counting Crows is one right?

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oh my… that Dm - G - C - Am and how you bring it! Amazing. Can’t wait to get to anywhere near that way of playing. Thank you for this course and all your work, It really got me going on the guitar again (finally: been planning on it for years)


well just started this module and discovered that the chords in C l, ll, lll, lV, & V are used in the song like a rolling stone except Vl Am

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John when writing out chords in Roman numerals use Capitol letters for Major chords and small letters for minor chords like this I ii iii IV & V. This way the reader know which are which.

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Hi Stitch :kissing_heart::guitar:. Never saw Justin Sir teaching this. Is this how it’s read?

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It’s common practice to write chord progressions like this. If Justin doesn’t teach it he should. This way if a song has borrowed chords or like Hey Joe all major chords there is no confusion.

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